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What is Biden Platform?

What is Biden Platform?


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@kannstipated said
Reopening from COVID restrictions and getting back up to a full work force is not job creation.
Of course, we all know that. We are just watching the libs today whine and change all the subjects as Nov 8 looms.
Marauder is talking about Biden jobs like he had a magic wand and invented brand new never-before-worked jobs. When my cousin went back to work after Covid, he got his same job. If his job is included in the 10M, then Marauder's post is patently incorrect. Biden did not get him that job. I could just scream.


I might remind you that even though you consider yourself immortal you will be sucking on the government tit when you turn 70 or whatever the age is allowed to be to collect SS.

It's not like it is a freebie program, you might remember the 7% tax we all pay to put into the SS system so it is in my case, MY MONEY not the fugging governments.
But you and your ultrarightwingnut zombies don't give a SHYTE about ANY of that.
It was a democrat bill in the first place THEREFORE IT IS BAD.

If repubs had come up with it, GREAT BILL that SS system.

You are one pathetic POS hypocrite.

And don't forget if and when zombies win they will go after medicare also since why do those freeloaders need medical help anyway? let them get a job and pay 1000 dollars a month for insurance like I do.
You make me sick ALL of you zombies who could care less about the welfare of common folks.
ALL you do is tell us how GREAT your financial situation is which if true just means you have ZERO idea what it is like for the REST of US citizens.

You SCREAM about inflation when the actual fight is over whether we have something MUCH more fundamental than inflation, that would be our democracy itself.

I can only assume you CONDONE the idea of the death of democracy because you are TOTALLY unwilling to even debate the subject.

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@averagejoe1 said
Dems are running on Jan 6 , the Dobbs decision, and that Repubs are racist, homophobia, genophobia.
That’s it. Oh, and lying that GOP will do away with SSecurity and Medicare.
Not on the economy, oil, climate, law, police, and, oh, the crime that started when Biden showed up.
You fellers be goin’ down.
Everything you have mentioned in your post as being important is correct.
And all were generally started by the disruption created by a once in a 100 years COVID epidemic.
At no time have I heard anything concrete from the GOP in terms of a solution.
And I have not heard any sense of acknowledgement that most of the problems are global in nature, especially for economy, oil, climate.

And I will put the question to you once again.
What would the inflation rate be if the White House was occupied by the GOP ?

And btw ...... getting back to COVID, how much better would things be coming out of the pandemic if the President in 2020 hadn't pretended that COVID didn't exist.
Or that he put trying to protect the economy ahead of the health of the public ?
Because the economy was the crown jewel in his 2020 re-election campaign ?
And thus being responsible for how many hundreds of thousands of lives.

And having his eye on nullifying the 2020 election results during the Nov-Jan transition period instead of getting the vaccine implementation out of the start block ?
And btw, attaching a moronic name like Operation Warp Speed does not constitute an accomplishment.
A name that could have come out of a naming contest at a daycare center ??

Anyways, back to the thrust of your thread........
The most important issue facing the American public this election is the preservation of your democracy !! Period !!


All that matters little to repubs. ALL they want and I mean EXACTLY that, ALL they want is POWER, POWER, and MORE POWER and SCREW how that effects the common folk.


@sonhouse said
I might remind you that even though you consider yourself immortal you will be sucking on the government tit when you turn 70 or whatever the age is allowed to be to collect SS.

It's not like it is a freebie program, you might remember the 7% tax we all pay to put into the SS system so it is in my case, MY MONEY not the fugging governments.
But you and your ...[text shortened]... ONE the idea of the death of democracy because you are TOTALLY unwilling to even debate the subject.
SHouse. In para 2, you say SS is not a freebie, that we fund it. Duh. Why don’t you write that the sky is blue while you’re at it? OK, so we got that.
THEN you say that we zombies don’t give a shyt about that. What do you mean by ‘that’? Are you saying we don’t give a crap about Social Security. Beam me up, Sonhouse.
I myself would never demean someone’s personal financial situation, so you lost me there. I do think people should be responsible for themselves and have health insurance. It should be the first thing in your budget, and if you decide not to get it, it should not be my, or the government’s, responsibility to take care of you. I guess that sounds really bad, but it is common sense. You see, why would anybody buy health insurance if they can get med care free from the government. And I don’t tell you how great my financial situation is, if you want to get personal. I have occasionally mentioned that I am a responsible person financially. There is a difference. Sunhouse, do you know someone that had more children that they could afford? Tell me whose fault is that? The government’s? Mine?
Your next para, that I scream about inflation. God, who doesn’t. Then you somehow say that democracy is more important, which I guess it is. But what in the hell is your point. Is it that Biden said the word democracy about 1000 times with his speech, but never mentioned inflation.?
Yes, I would like to debate the subject, but if one debates democracy, they should stipulate as to the definition of it. I have asked you for three months for your definition. Then we can have at it.🧑‍🏫

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Well if we 'fund' it why do zombies want to stop payments? That would be because they want POWER and POWER ONLY to do what they want and it matters little the fund has been set up to pay SS recipients and comes out of that 7% tax.
You zombies HATE and HATE EVEN MORE the very IDEA of the government actually paying folks money for ANY REASON.

You want ZERO taxes, ZERO FED government so we would have a 'country' of 50 separate countries.

Of COURSE you would still support a trillion dollar MILITARY fund.

THAT part of the government you ADORE.


@mghrn55 said
Everything you have mentioned in your post as being important is correct.
And all were generally started by the disruption created by a once in a 100 years COVID epidemic.
At no time have I heard anything concrete from the GOP in terms of a solution.
And I have not heard any sense of acknowledgement that most of the problems are global in nature, especially for economy, oi ...[text shortened]... t issue facing the American public this election is the preservation of your democracy !! Period !!
Then you be the one to define Democracy. Please!
Look at Sonhouse just above saying all the Repubs want is power …in effect saying the Dems don’t want Power. He is very difficult to take some days. Everyone wants power. Secondly, everyone wants democracy as they see it. I don’t know what in the hell Son House is talking about. If I were to finally get in plain English, I would say everybody leave everybody else the hell alone. One of your political leaders says that we should all go vegan. It might be the greatest thing since sliced bread, but it is none of his business what I eat. Libs want to tell everybody what to do. Am I wrong.? You want us to drink only one Coca-Cola a day, such as that. Libs make us their business, and we simply do not care about your business. You felllers are saturated with collectivism. Yeah, all one big happy family. That would mean I would be related to the guy that shot eight people in Chicago this weekend. And you wonder why I am a culturalist..


Note first sentence above saying that I’m all correct, gets into Covid and what started this and what started that. January 6 !…what was that all about blah blah blah. I suggest that you Fellers start look into the future so we can find the democracy that sun house is looking for.

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You mean the part where your god DAM king Trump says covid will be all over by memorial day? Completely downplaying the Covid pandemic for MONTHS when he knew full well how dangerous Covid really is and was, 'I didn't want to panic the public' was his statement.
Out of the million + dead, he has hundreds of thousands of deaths directly on his hands. If he had taken it seriously in February a large number of those now dead would be alive.

Of COURSE you would poo poo that since you don't want anything to detract from your worship of your god king Trump.

And BTW, if 'SHUDDER' he actually becomes POTUS again there will be much more of the same, only this time he will go after ALL his perceived enemies and continue to help his buddies just like the Mafia Don he thinks of himself.

The really sad part is people like you giving up the right to think for yourselves, instead just letting the sick brain of Trump tell you exactly how it is and you believe him 100%.

THAT is the sickness Trump has imparted to the entire country.

And any election fraud found was so low there was no way for any of that 'fraud' to effect the outcome of elections.

That was proven in court in DOZENS of lawsuits brought by Trump, ALL failed.

That was proven by even the Ninja idiots who had to admit there was no massive fraud, the real cases of fraud could be counted on one hand but that doesn't push the sick Trump agenda does it?

You also poo poo the idea that all repubs want is power, even though they have said so IN PUBLIC.
Moscow mitch said it: I am the grim reaper.

Which means he could care less about actually helping our citizens, ALL he wants is power, and more power and the evangelical ASSSHOLES who want to convert the US to a religious state where Islam, Buddhists, Hindi's, Rasta's and Jews all banned or put on reservations. THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT and if we lose our democracy it will be outfits like that making 'policy' decisions.

And OF COURSE you will just heap on more scoffville BS to THINK you are somehow proving your so-called "points' when in fact you have NOTHING of your own to offer, ONLY the crap puked out by the ultrarightwingnuts gathered by Trump.

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@sonhouse said
You mean the part where your god DAM king Trump says covid will be all over by memorial day? Completely downplaying the Covid pandemic for MONTHS when he knew full well how dangerous Covid really is and was, 'I didn't want to panic the public' was his statement.
Out of the million + dead, he has hundreds of thousands of deaths directly on his hands. If he had ...[text shortened]... e NOTHING of your own to offer, ONLY the crap puked out by the ultrarightwingnuts gathered by Trump.
Ironic, you say Trump has thousands of deaths on his hands. There its NO question that Biden, by opening the border and turning his back on it, has allowed fentanyl to kill over 100,000 while he strolls on his expensive beach, counting his money and wondering where his house is. He has their blood on his hands.
How about a fresh subject, to chew on between now and Black Tuesday?

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'Assure us', you mean like when Trump went 'it will all be over by memorial day'?
He didn't tackle the covid pandemic because he 'didn't want to cause panic'

You love to hear mealy mouth positives coming from your so-called leader Trump but what REAL leaders do is tell it like it is, not downplay a terrible pandemic by going ingest bleach, it kills covid in minutes.

But like I said, bottom line is Biden BAD, Trump Good no matter WHAT crap legal trouble he gets in and believe me, he is in real legal doo doo from several different directions.

So tell me how bad Biden is after you find all the legal trouble Biden is in, show me the indictments.

And you figure Trump was EXHONORATED from TWO impeachments but all that showed was a spineless senate too afraid of Trump to go against him.


Pressuring Zelinsky to just make up some fake story about investigating biden, either one which is using government power for PERSONAL GAIN, in this case POLITICAL GAIN.
But like I said a BUNCH of times before, for you Trump is ALWAYS innocent and ALSO ALWAYS above the law in your sick POV.

I guess since you figure Trump is above the law, ANYTHING Trump does is WONDERFUL.

Even if it was Trump's coup on Jan 6.

No big deal because my GOD KING TRUMP is LITERALLY above the law, right?

You want to talk about the Biden platform but can't even acknowledge the bills already passed because again, Biden BAD, Trump GOOD.

Funny how you zombies are so hypocritical, it doesn't matter WHAT bills Biden
put out or says as his goals, BIDEN BAD, TRUMP GOOD.

Tell me otherwise.

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@no1marauder said
I believe he did mention the US economy has added 10 million jobs since his inauguration.

Bet you haven't seen that mentioned on your right wing propaganda sites.
Let’s say actually created these jobs, which I disagree.
You surprise me marauder here is a plain question. What is Biden platform and you are riding all over the place. Who said anything about 10,000 jobs. Was it you?
Then, could you get Sunhouse to answer the question. Somebody needs to answer the question, so we’ll know what to think about when Tuesday morning gets here.

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@sonhouse said
'Assure us', you mean like when Trump went 'it will all be over by memorial day'?
He didn't tackle the covid pandemic because he 'didn't want to cause panic'

You love to hear mealy mouth positives coming from your so-called leader Trump but what REAL leaders do is tell it like it is, not downplay a terrible pandemic by going ingest bleach, it kills covid in ...[text shortened]... matter WHAT bills Biden
put out or says as his goals, BIDEN BAD, TRUMP GOOD.

Tell me otherwise.
Oh yeah!!?????
Hey what about B causing all the fentanyl deaths? Am I going to have to ask marauder, because you don’t seem to want to comment on it.
You should be aware by now that you write so much stuff that there is no one thing that someone can hand your comment on. Just being helpful and a lot of the things you say, are your opinion, which means nothing in a forum. Gotta have facts

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@averagejoe1 said
Oh yeah!!?????
Hey what about B causing all the fentanyl deaths? Am I going to have to ask marauder, because you don’t seem to want to comment on it.
You should be aware by now that you write so much stuff that there is no one thing that someone can hand your comment on. Just being helpful and a lot of the things you say, are your opinion, which means nothing in a forum. Gotta have facts
Fentanyl deaths are happening everywhere.
Just as bad in Canada as in US.
And more likely from China than Mexico.
And, btw, through multiple US administrations.
Trying to blame this on one president is cheap politics.

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FUK FENTINAL. It is TRUMP who is the ABSOLUTE TREASONOUS Criminal and he is getting closer and closer to criminal prosecution. Biden NEVER Grifted using the power of POTUS to get personal benefit like for instance Trump's little trick of forcing Air Force jets to refuel near his golf course in Scotland, I don't suppose you would EVER have heard that from your religious source, Fox News.

He wanted those pilots to stay at his hotel nearby, charging them 3 or 4 times the going rate because he could get away with it.

That is just ONE example of the Trump grift.
Maybe you don't want to be reminded of the two actually shut down by the government because they were PROVEN IN COURT grifts, Trump Uni and Trump Charity.
BOTH shut down and Trump had to pay 25 MILLION for THOSE grifts.

He couldn't even keep a CASINO running, he literally ran it into the ground because he has ZERO expertise in finance. The ONLY reason he got rich was because of the original 6 million dollar loan from daddy and then it only got worse, daddy had to cough up near a half BILLION to keep donny in toys, he had the habit of hiring folks and then not paying them, architects are STILL owed money from the design of several buildings, just just dumps them under the bus, so SUE ME, I have GREAT lawyers.

THAT is his modus oparendi.

It's no wonder he can't get real lawyers, the good ones have already gotten burned by Trump and refuse to represent him so now he has these idiots who don't even know how to properly start a SCOTUS suite.

But you wouldn't have heard THAT on your precious fox news Trump propaganda show.

Even Fox is trying to distance themselves from Trump now.

Trump has passed the red line in so many ways it is inevitable he IS going to be indicted and the only reason and I mean exactly that, the ONLY reason he is telling folks he is running in 24, that is because it will be his only defense against many law suits, some criminal and some civil.
If he gets reelected, all those charges magically go away. THAT is why he want to run again, no other reason, except for a narcissist sociopath like Trump, he has an obsessive need to be in the spotlight, even if it is about negative reporting.
And all you have in defense of the defenseless is you accusing Biden of killing 100K people with fent?

Tell me, how many law suits are being pursued charging Biden with ANYTHING?
Till then bug off.

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