10 Feb 23
@averagejoe1 saidBiden never said those making under $400K should pay no taxes, so your entire premise is false to begin with.
He has said and still says, no taxes on those making under $400K per year. But he is also having the IRS go after waitress's tip money. Any common sense answer here?
And I loved this comment ...... "We are going to need oil for at least another decade!!!!!" Jesus
I loved that one.
And he knocked oil companies for buying back their own stock. Uhhhh, this is a capitalist country, last I checked. So he is against capitalism.?
@averagejoe1 saidYour lies have been felled often enough before. We're getting tired having to take a felling axe to the leg you don't have to stand on.
? you fellers bashful?