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when is spain going to outlaw bullfighting?

when is spain going to outlaw bullfighting?


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Originally posted by generalissimo
Oh so now it is fair to compare bullfighting (a legal and widely accepted case of animal cruelty) to the killing of beggars in Brazil (which is in no way legal or accepted)?

Murder is murder, and it is illegal in Brazil. I don't know how it would be hypocritical of me to criticize spain, who said I was in favor of those killings anyways?
The comparison is merely to point out your glaring hypocrisy. Bullfighting is indeed legal! Leave it and Spain alone. Concentrate on real wrongs like in the Fabelas in your country! If killing beggars in your country is unacceptable then please do something about it. Or, as stated before, not a glamourous problem for you Brasilans? Wait a minute, bulls aren't human! In your mind seemingly bulls have superior rights.

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Originally posted by scacchipazzo
The comparison is merely to point out your glaring hypocrisy. Bullfighting is indeed legal! Leave it and Spain alone. Concentrate on real wrongs like in the Fabelas in your country! If killing beggars in your country is unacceptable then please do something about it. Or, as stated before, not a glamourous problem for you Brasilans? Wait a minute, bulls aren't human! In your mind seemingly bulls have superior rights.
I'm not sure I understand your point.

Are you saying that if there is something wrong with one's country, one is not allowed to suggest an improvement in a different country?

I didn't see generalissimo defending killing anyone. I only saw him criticize bull fighting. Generalissimo is not a politician with power to change Brazilian behavior. He is an expat who doesn't even live in the same hemisphere any more. This is a discussion of what should or should not be outlawed, not a contest to see whose country we can criticize more.

I'm sorry; but I don't see the basis for this criticism.

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Originally posted by sh76
I'm not sure I understand your point.

Are you saying that if there is something wrong with one's country, one is not allowed to suggest an improvement in a different country?

I didn't see generalissimo defending killing anyone. I only saw him criticize bull fighting. Generalissimo is not a politician with power to change Brazilian behavior. He is an expat country we can criticize more.

I'm sorry; but I don't see the basis for this criticism.
My point is very clear. Leave Spain alone! I criticize anyone critical of someone else's country who never appears willing to criticize his own. Especially when the wrongs in their own country far outweigh those of the country he's criticizing. He injected Spain into it, not me. Had he only criticized bullfighting and not Spain I would never mention Brazil. Also note he fails to mention Portugal. There's bullfighting in Portugal, Mexico and many other Latin countries. Why Spain? Spain was not even the inventor of bullfighting, Crete was.

What I truly mean is clean up or atttempt to do so at home. There are roaming death squads in Brazil killing beggar children. In other words, find a worthier cause than bullfighting. My other point is defending bulls first and not little beggar boys is quite hypocritical. All of us have imperfect countries. You will never see me criticizing someone else's country sanctimoniously, especially when the critique leaves out the vastly worse imperfections such as death squads, which he did not deny, and which exist in Brazil. Why does it matter if he no longer lives in the same hemishpere? Does that immunize you and give you carte blanche to bandy about critiques of other's countries?

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Originally posted by scacchipazzo
My point is very clear. Leave Spain alone! I criticize anyone critical of someone else's country who never appears willing to criticize his own. Especially when the wrongs in their own country far outweigh those of the country he's criticizing. He injected Spain into it, not me. Had he only criticized bullfighting and not Spain I would never mention Bra that immunize you and give you carte blanche to bandy about critiques of other's countries?
I would not expect generalidiot to understand any other country's culture...cultures growing in agar solutions have higher IQs than his.

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Originally posted by howardgee
I would not expect generalidiot to understand any other country's culture...cultures growing in agar solutions have higher IQs than his.
seeking attention again?

no point to make, just the usual 10-yr-old playground talk, unsurprisingly your post doesn't show any important content or message.

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Originally posted by scacchipazzo
My point is very clear. Leave Spain alone! I criticize anyone critical of someone else's country who never appears willing to criticize his own. Especially when the wrongs in their own country far outweigh those of the country he's criticizing. He injected Spain into it, not me. Had he only criticized bullfighting and not Spain I would never mention Bra ...[text shortened]... that immunize you and give you carte blanche to bandy about critiques of other's countries?
I criticize anyone critical of someone else's country who never appears willing to criticize his own. Especially when the wrongs in their own country far outweigh those of the country he's criticizing

thats is just avoiding the issue. The fact that there are problems in Brazil, doesn't mean we should ignore everything else.

There are roaming death squads in Brazil killing beggar children. In other words, find a worthier cause than bullfighting

that doesn't make my argument any less valid.

My other point is defending bulls first and not little beggar boys is quite hypocritical

not really, the two things are completely different.

By criticizing bullfighting I meant to criticize the activity itself, not the country, it was perhaps unfair to only point the finger at spain and not at others, but the fact that I didn't mention them doesn't mean Im giving the a free pass.
Also, Im not saying bullfighting is worse than the killings of beggars, Im not comparing the two things, so I don't know where you got the idea that I somehow thought it was a "worthier" cause to fight for.

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Originally posted by generalissimo
[b]I criticize anyone critical of someone else's country who never appears willing to criticize his own. Especially when the wrongs in their own country far outweigh those of the country he's criticizing

thats is just avoiding the issue. The fact that there are problems in Brazil, doesn't mean we should ignore everything else.

There are ro ...[text shortened]... w where you got the idea that I somehow thought it was a "worthier" cause to fight for.
Because I do not see you pick causes other than animal inclined PETA influenced ones. Perhaps I am being harsh, but you picked on Spain, a country I am very fond of despite bullfighting and other questionable behavior. The minute you mention only one country those of us fond of said country get our feathers ruffled somewhat. At any rate, generalissimo, I was adviced you no longer even live in Brazil so enough from me. You are entitled to your pet causes indeed.

Also, bear in mind that bullfighting is an industry on which many, many people depend. Perhaps working on more humane forms of bullfighting would make better sense than an outright ban on an activity which is a source of national pride.

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