Originally posted by darvlay
Any comments?
It would be the church following the Scriptures the closest. No faffing around trying to have a nice image, but instead just focussing on God. Whilst I was born a protestant, the Catholic doctrine seems sound, albeit I find catholic services very boring.
The best denomination is one that is focussed on God. As for Church it depends on what type of service you prefer. Some evangelical services sing for 45 mins, which IMO is too much. Its a mix and match, if you're focussed on God and your Bible and your church is preaching the Scriptures and not their own theology, there is no 'best' church.
Originally posted by StarValleyWyThanks for your insight, SVW. I tend to agree with your version. 😉
Which version do you want? The "official" one or my guess?
Officially. He was a boy of 15 who prayed to learn "Which church is correct"? It was in "The Sacred Grove" on the family farm in Palmyra, New York.
My version. Well. He was a kid with a spark. He had a magnetic personality and understood the gullible nature of man from and ...[text shortened]... ge. Just like me. The difference end there. I wanted to earn my way. He wanted fame and fortune.
Originally posted by pcaspianSo, for you, it's a matter of personal taste.
Originally posted by darvlay
Any comments?
It would be the church following the Scriptures the closest. No faffing around trying to have a nice image, but instead just focussing on God. Whilst I was born a protestant, the Catholic doctrine seems sound, albeit I find catholic services very boring.
The best denomination is one that i ...[text shortened]... hurch is preaching the Scriptures and not their own theology, there is no 'best' church.
How do you react when folks like RBHILL state that Catholicism does not allow for the one-on-one relationship with Jesus that allows you into heaven? Would you consider that kind of belief "a crock"?
I'm curious. Which kind of "faffing" led you away from the Protestants and into the hands of the Catholics? (If this is even the case)
Originally posted by WHY AYEI'm guessing that reassigning known child molesters to be priests elsewhere within the church is probably higher up on God's list of beefs with the Catholic Church.
Do people think that Jesus would even approve of ANY church, never mind the Roman Catholic church, which may I say had prohibited the publishing of over 4000 books, of which the ban was only lifted in 1966.
Originally posted by darvlay
"if there is one" - therein lies the rub!
If Christ is the "real deal", then it seems inconceivable to me that there wouldn't be one.
If that is your criteria, then by the same token would Jesus let this same church become corrupt? And would he support a papal system without mentioning the need for one in his teachings?
The Christian God is the biggest pro-choice (in its literal, not modern, sense) advocate you will ever find. After all, He did allow mankind to destroy its own perfection. He would not let His Church be fallible (i.e. teach as true that which is not, and declare false that which is true), but as to corruption - I don't see why He should interfere with human free will in day-to-day affairs. It might be unpalatable, but not inconsistent. As to the papal system, I'll not go into the whole "rock" and "key" discussion; suffice to say that the papacy is well established in Scripture and Tradition.
And while God may intend for His church to be everlasting and "indestructible", would it not be the same Church it was upon conception?
Everlasting and indestructible - not unchanging. You're the same person you were 14 years ago, but you've changed. You've grown. Why should the Church be any different?
Originally posted by darvlay
So, for you, it's a matter of personal taste.
How do you react when folks like RBHILL state that Catholicism does not allow for the one-on-one relationship with Jesus that allows you into heaven? Would you consider that kind of belief "a crock"?
I don't quite know RBHill's full statement or motive for believe, so its pretty difficult to judge those views. I would disagree with him however.
I'm curious. Which kind of "faffing" led you away from the Protestants and into the hands of the Catholics? (If this is even the case)
No, not the case. Whilst I agree with the protestant belief in divorce (should one's partner cheat on him/her), I realise the protestant faith originated from Henry VIII and for the wrong reasons. I do however believe the protestant movement (like all things) came into existance for a purpose, a rejection of the Catholic way of life in Europe. They seemed to have lost the entire point of religion, instead used it as a means or political gain.
I still fully agree with the protestant faith, but there are churches that originated from the protestant faith that are wrong. The Catholic Church is pretty strong and its structure does not allow for the creation of such breakaway faiths. It is true that the religion becomes a farce when you have all these people claiming to worship the same God, claiming to read the same scriptures, yet having such vastly different doctrines. I can only imagine that to find God, one would have to find the church that is based the most on the scriptures, or the original church, the Catholic church.
My biggest problem with any church is its failure to adhere to the scriptures. No-one ever claimed Christianity to be easy, to 'fit' in with the world around us, in fact from its creation it has always been difficult to follow a Christian life. As such I have problems with Churches that change based on circumstances, instead of adhering to the scriptures they are based on in the first place.
Originally posted by kirksey957Gay Priests condoning homosexuality when the Bible says it is an abomination? Kinda confusing to me....steer me in the right direction, please....😕
OK, if I had to pick a church after my own Apostolic Church of the Righteous Attitude, I would probably be an Episcopalian. Why you ask? Well you never hear about them making a public ass of themselves. They have an openly gay bishop so they're moving in the right direction. Episcopalians are the most affluent denomination so you never have to endure ...[text shortened]... nd finally, it is no secret that they have the best music and probably the most educated clergy.
Originally posted by lucifershammerCome on, where in the Bible did Jesus say one must confess to a Priest who may well me a pedophile or who may be masturbating while one confesses/describes an adulterous affair, for example...when I confess my sins, I confess to Jesus only...and I can state this because I was raised Catholic....can Catholics be Christian? Of course, but one doesn't have to be Catholic to be a true Christian, and one doesn't have confess his/her sins to another "human being" who puts his pants on one leg at a time....just as I do...no offense intended...
Simply because, if God were going to go through all the trouble of saving mankind by becoming man Himself, then He wouldn't just return without leaving some form of body, institution or "embassy" behind to continue to guide people. Further, He would also ensure that this institution would last and not get wiped out by the first threat it faces. Sif ...[text shortened]... tholic Church is the only one which qualifies to be a "true Church of Jesus", if there is one.
Originally posted by chancremechanicEx Opere Operato, my friend.
Come on, where in the Bible did Jesus say one must confess to a Priest who may well me a pedophile or who may be masturbating while one confesses/describes an adulterous affair, for example...when I confess my sins, I confess to Je ...[text shortened]... ants on one leg at a time....just as I do...no offense intended...
If holy things could only be administered by perfect human beings, how can you believe that the Holy Bible is the Word of God? After all, it was written by imperfect humans (atleast I hope you believe no human is perfect); was put together by imperfect humans and declared holy by imperfect humans.
Edit: Since you asked, "‘Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained’" (John 20:21–23).
Originally posted by chancremechanicIt's all very personal. That was my choice. What's yours? Seriously though I would tend to say that an impromptu prayer vigil in Indonesia for victims, perhaps a prison Bible study or an AA meeting might tend to be a sacred event.
Gay Priests condoning homosexuality when the Bible says it is an abomination? Kinda confusing to me....steer me in the right direction, please....😕
Originally posted by kirksey957My choice? In regards to what? I meant no offense and am not homophobic in the least....the concept of gay priests preaching from a book that states that homosexuality is a sin is just contradictory that's all.....to me anyway...by the way, the Bible does say to love all sinners...and to hate the sin...I believe Jesus would have compassion for homosexuals just as he did for prostitutes, tax collectors, thieves, adulterers, and Democrats and Republicans (sorry, had to toss that one in)...sin is sin, no? 😉
It's all very personal. That was my choice. What's yours? Seriously though I would tend to say that an impromptu prayer vigil in Indonesia for victims, perhaps a prison Bible study or an AA meeting might tend to be a sacred event.
Originally posted by lucifershammerYes, the Bible was written by imperfect human beings, but it was made infallable by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit....when inspired by the Holy Spirit, even imperfect man can become perfect...this statement will, no doubt, start another tirade from the Bible-haters...but that is what one must believe in order to use the scriptures for daily living...something that I have trouble doing, and that I readily admit....
Ex Opere Operato, my friend.
If holy things could only be administered by perfect human beings, how can you believe that the Holy Bible is the Word of God? After all, it was written by imperfect humans (atleast I hope you believe no human is perfect); was put together by imperfect humans and declared holy by imperfect humans.
Edit: Since you ask ...[text shortened]... of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained’" (John 20:21–23).