Originally posted by JeeWell apparantly you haven't read a History book with that asisnine statement.
Well yeah if you read your history book, Columbus came to America, killed all the native americans then yelled "yeah I have discovered America"
Maybe if I hacked RHP server I could delete all the names here and claimed I have discovered RHP!
Property is theft - Proudon
Actually, what he posted is pretty much what is taught in the Public School System in the USA.
Columbus came and killed most of the indians .. then the pilgrims came and killed the rest so they brought in some slaves to build the country for the lazy white man .. then we took it from them.
We're Americans .. the whole world knows, we're the worst people on earth.
Kill us .. if you can.
Originally posted by jammerQuite the persecution complex you have there.
Actually, what he posted is pretty much what is taught in the Public School System in the USA.
Columbus came and killed most of the indians .. then the pilgrims came and killed the rest so they brought in some slaves to build the country for the lazy white man .. then we took it from them.
We're Americans .. the whole world knows, we're the worst people on earth.
Kill us .. if you can.
Originally posted by jammerAnd then Pres Linchon tryed to kill all people in the south,
Actually, what he posted is pretty much what is taught in the Public School System in the USA.
Columbus came and killed most of the indians .. then the pilgrims came and killed the rest so they brought in some slaves to build the country for the lazy white man .. then we took it from them.
We're Americans .. the whole world knows, we're the worst people on earth.
Kill us .. if you can.
Originally posted by XanthosNZObviously, we already know the answer to that but not from DNA but from archeological evidence in the farms they made but the DNA analysis has already been done on Amerinds and clearly shows several migrations from Siberia/Asia Ca 18,000 BPE, maybe even longer. My guess is we just haven't dug into the DNA evidence and the archeological evidence deep enough. I would not be suprised to find isolated incursions that did not survive from maybe 40 or 50 Kyears back.
How would DNA help sort it out? The Viking settlements found in North America died out. They didn't add to the gene pool (probably because they didn't really encounter a gene pool to add to).
It seems fair to say any migration into the Americas would have followed land bridges or ice bridges across the narrows in Alaska so analysis of the extent of the ice ages would narrow down the years which migrations would have been possible, work already done no doubt. It would be a question of how many times ice bridges were present across Alaska vs the presence of humans at the times available. So present theory says around 18K years ago but there could have been incursions the last time there was a bridge, say 35K years ago or maybe 70K years ago (I don't know the dates of ice bridgings so those are just guesses) Since the migration routes in and out of Africa and into Europe are beginning to be pinned down, it may be there was no opportunity for human passage across Alaska during other ice bridge occurances than the ones already known.