-Removed-The NSA already does that to everybody regardless of what website you are on you buffoon.
The NSA has likely been collecting data from me for years. Do you think I care?
I am sharing information, not guns. They are worried about Tucker, not me.
Have of what I write on here triggers the algorithm's red flag protocols of the NSA. I keep them busy I am sure. What are they going to do with that info? Just keep it just in case I do something they don't like. That is all.
You are surely being monitored just from communicating with me right now.
Don't lose sleep over it though. I don't.
-Removed-It doesn't matter what website you are on you moron. Any sensitive keywords you use will trigger data collection like "assassinate Rockefeller". That will do it for sure. And now you will be closely monitored automatically. Count on it.
Welcome to the real world.
@Metal-Brain saidFrom what I’ve heard, the NSA and project Echelon are actively targetting conspiracy theorists.
NSA, not the FBI you idiot!
I don't even own a gun. They are monitoring me I am sure, but only because of the information I spread. I am no militant. I could care less.
@Metal-Brain saidRumble? LOL!
Wikipedia? LOL!
@shavixmir saidNo. They are targeting anyone who uses certain keywords. That can be anybody on any website including this website.
From what I’ve heard, the NSA and project Echelon are actively targetting conspiracy theorists.
Tell me is is not possible to say "assassinate the Rockefellers" and feel confident you will not be monitored by the NSA? Of course you will. The Robber barons dominate the world.