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Who's Legitimately in Charge in Haiti?

Who's Legitimately in Charge in Haiti?


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The nation must be nothing but a federation of autonomous provinces. [The organizational relations between the provinces and the nation will, in general, be the same as those between the communes and the province – Nettlau]

City, State and Federal levels of government.

I see representatives all over the place.

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7. No federated country shall maintain a permanent standing army or any institution separating the soldier from the civilian. Not only do permanent ,armies and professional soldiers breed internal disruption, brutalization, and financial ruin, they also menace the independence and well-being of other nations. All able-bodied citizens should, if necessary, take up arms to defend their homes and their freedom. Each country’s military defense and equipment should be organized locally by the commune, or provincially, somewhat like the militias in Switzerland or the United States of America [circa 1860-7].4

Sounds a lot like the early USA, which discovered that it didn't work very well and that a standing army was necessary. The only example of a country without an army that I can think of is Costa Rica and they only pulled it off because of their alliances with powers that did have standing armies and paramilitaries - most notably the US who provided weapons including fighter bombers.

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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
7. No federated country shall maintain a permanent standing army or any institution separating the soldier from the civilian. Not only do permanent ,armies and professional soldiers breed internal disruption, brutalization, and financial ruin, they also menace the independence and well-being of other nations. All able-bodied citizens should, if nec armies and paramilitaries - most notably the US who provided weapons including fighter bombers.
Tell me more about the early USA...

Costa Rica doesn't have an army only in name. Kinda like there being no government in Lybia. Even though they speak of a direct democracy it is pretty where power truly lies.

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Originally posted by adam warlock
Tell me more about the early USA...

Costa Rica doesn't have an army only in name. Kinda like there being no government in Lybia. Even though they speak of a direct democracy it is pretty where power truly lies.
After the war, though, the Continental Army was quickly disbanded as part of the American distrust of standing armies, and irregular state militias became the new nation's sole ground army, with the exception of a regiment to guard the Western Frontier and one battery of artillery guarding West Point's arsenal. However, because of continuing conflict with Native Americans, it was soon realized that it was necessary to field a trained standing army. The first of these, the Legion of the United States, was established in 1791.


I'm no expert, but there are there bare bones of the matter. The militia was not consistently effective.

The impetus for the Legion came from General Arthur St. Clair's disastrous defeat at the Battle of the Wabash by Blue Jacket and Little Turtle's tribal confederacy in November 1791.

Some of the Founding Fathers had been suspicious of standing armies, believing that the militia would be suited to all the nation's defense needs. However, the defeat of St. Clair and his predecessor, Josiah Harmar, whose forces were drawn principally from state militias, caused a shift in thinking. President Washington picked his old lieutenant, Wayne, to lead a new professional army. At the recommendation of Secretary of War Henry Knox, it was decided to recruit and train a "Legion" — i.e., a force that would combine all land combat arms of the day (cavalry, heavy and light infantry, artillery) into one efficient brigade-sized force divisible into stand-alone combined arms teams. Congress agreed with this proposal and agreed to augment the small standing army until "the United States shall be at peace with the Indian tribes."


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