10 Apr 21
@suzianne saidThat is good to hear now to find out how it is going to work and if it will protect you against the new variants? Do you still plan on wearing a mask and keeping the recommended distance? I have not got any shots yet. I believe they will be starting soon on my age group.
I had my second Pfizer shot Wednesday. For two days after, I felt like I had been beat up. Today I finally feel better.
News at 11. My wife and I got both shots, Moderna, and the only thing we noted was somewhat sore arms for a couple of days and that was that.
@sonhouse saidI was pretty fatigued the day after my first Pfizer shot; left work a few hours early and slept a lot. Was fine the day after.
News at 11. My wife and I got both shots, Moderna, and the only thing we noted was somewhat sore arms for a couple of days and that was that.
@woofwoof saidI can prove it all easily.
Nice try.
Good thing no one takes you seriously.
Now continue this pathetic "knowledge masquerade" on another subject. Perhaps something that you know more about than anyone else: Try ignorance.
Which one are you in denial of?
You are terrified of calling me on even one of them, right? You know I will prove it like I always do.
What pathetic excuse are you going to resort to for not naming a single fact you claim is false?
@sonhouse saidFauci says you still have to wear a mask, socially distance and all that other stuff so you don't get it and spread it to others. You insured Moderna will get richer and your life will not change.
News at 11. My wife and I got both shots, Moderna, and the only thing we noted was somewhat sore arms for a couple of days and that was that.
You will also have to get another shot every 6 months to a year for the rest of your life. Did you think it would end here? You will be taking gene vaccines for life. Get used to it.
@ghost-of-a-duke saidStop lying.
Anything you pull from conspiracynuts.com is not acceptable verification.
Which of my claims are you in denial of?
I will prove it easily, probably with a quote from Fauci you have not heard yet because you are so uninformed.
Which one would you like to start with?