20 Sep 18
The post that was quoted here has been removedThat is because most people are sensible enough to realize Ford is likely a liar. I'll bet even you secretly consider the possibility when not debating.
The letter to Feinstein said she wanted it to remain confidential "until they talked about it". Feinstein omitted that last part and deliberately mislead the public into thinking Ford meant forever. That makes Feinstein a liar too!
Originally posted by @metal-brainyes, poooky, but it's not the same thing, is it?
It works both ways.
one is a professor and the other one is a millionaire congressperson, some of whom even get secret service protection.
here is an exercise for you: send a death threat to Mitch McConnell and another one to some random person you pick from the yellow pages. See what happens in each case.
Originally posted by @whodeyHey, moron.
Central to the Mueller Farrago is the 'dossier.'
Without it, no FISA warrants to surveil Trump, et al......
No Comey leaks
No special prosecutor
Soooo....the dossier cannot be ignored.
And here's what it implies:
Russia is a dictatorship.
Nothing emanates from Moscow without Putin's imprimatur....
The 'information' in the infamous ...[text shortened]... ccurred, it was through Democrats, the only folks for whom we have actual evidence of collusion.
That dossier spent months tucked away in a desk somewhere until long after the investigation into Russian collusion started.
Try watching some real news once in a while.
"the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats."
Damn, man, the extent of your stupidity amazes me every time you say something like this. Stop watching the Fake News channel.
Originally posted by @whodeyWhen Sean Hannity comes on your TV, do you even try to keep yourself from licking your TV screen?
The Clintons are very much still apart of the big political picture
Hillary still gives her 2 cents about the situation, and it is Hillary who funded the dossier about Trump that is an ongoing investigation.
Naturally, Hillary not being under investigation for colluding with Russians to obtain the dossier does not concern you.
Perhaps Trump's biggest accomplishment is publicizing the deep state and their media goons.
Originally posted by @suziannewhy do you bite?
Hey, moron.
That dossier spent months tucked away in a desk somewhere until long after the investigation into Russian collusion started.
Try watching some real news once in a while.
[b]"the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats."
Damn, man, the extent of your stupidity amazes me every time you say something like this. Stop watching the Fake News channel.[/b]
he always does this, opens a rant and inevitably gets to blaming a clinton or obama
he changed the subject three freakin times this thread, how are you and others still engage him in anything other than mocking him?
20 Sep 18
Originally posted by @zahlanziOutright lies piss me off. We've already seen what ignoring stupid lies does. It elects demagogues.
why do you bite?
he always does this, opens a rant and inevitably gets to blaming a clinton or obama
he changed the subject three freakin times this thread, how are you and others still engage him in anything other than mocking him?
I realize you're not American and you couldn't really give half a damn what goes on in this Trump-driven rathole, but this is my home and I'm determined to speak out when lies are perceived as truths.
Originally posted by @suzianneDouble post
Outright lies piss me off. We've already seen what ignoring stupid lies does. It elects demagogues.
I realize you're not American and you couldn't really give half a damn what goes on in this Trump-driven rathole, but this is my home and I'm determined to speak out when lies are perceived as truths.
20 Sep 18
Originally posted by @suziannesuzi, you accused me of lying, remember that, that my claim to being in favor of free and open immigration was a lie. But when it was pointed out to you very clearly how I did not lie, how your error was made very clear to you, you still persisted.
Outright lies piss me off. We've already seen what ignoring stupid lies does. It elects demagogues.
I realize you're not American and you couldn't really give half a damn what goes on in this Trump-driven rathole, but this is my home and I'm determined to speak out when lies are perceived as truths.
Even though you know the truth you persist with a
so your little rant about lying here is empty, meaningless dribbles of a self contradicting hypocritical mole.
Originally posted by @suzianneit's whodey. it's just an obstacle you have to avoid in this forum on the way to a decent debate once a month (or every two months).
Outright lies piss me off. We've already seen what ignoring stupid lies does. It elects demagogues.
I realize you're not American and you couldn't really give half a damn what goes on in this Trump-driven rathole, but this is my home and I'm determined to speak out when lies are perceived as truths.
20 Sep 18
Originally posted by @wajoma"Still, she persisted." -- Sen. Mitch McConnell, referring to Sen. Elizabeth Warren
suzi, you accused me of lying, remember that, that my claim to being in favor of free and open immigration was a lie. But when it was pointed out to you very clearly how I did not lie, how your error was made very clear to you, you still persisted.
Even though you know the truth you persist with a
so your little rant about lying here is empty, meaningless dribbles of a self contradicting hypocritical mole.
"so your little rant about lying here is empty, meaningless dribbles of a self contradicting hypocritical mole."
Funny, I was thinking this the entire time you were bleating on about my supposed "lies" about you. We all know who the liar is, here. You're on the same side of the tracks as whodey and Metal-Brain. Repeatedly erring while accusing others of error.
Tell me now, does posting words in upper case make them "more true"? Apparently you think so.
Originally posted by @suzianneSuzi, I have not lied. When you quote my post, selectively cut my explanation, put your own words in place of my words, now that is lying.
"Still, she persisted." -- Sen. Mitch McConnell, referring to Sen. Elizabeth Warren
[b]"so your little rant about lying here is empty, meaningless dribbles of a self contradicting hypocritical mole."
Funny, I was thinking this the entire time you were bleating on about my supposed "lies" about you. We all know who the liar is, here. You're on t ...[text shortened]...
Tell me now, does posting words in upper case make them "more true"? Apparently you think so.[/b]
You really should own up to this one, apologise and move on.
After stating my position i.e. In favor of free and open immigration, I said "if there is not to be free and open immigration" then followed with an explanation of one of the dilemmas faced by those that do not favor free and open immigration.
My position remained intact. There was no L I E. and this has been explained very clearly to you. So the L I E is now yours. It has nothing to do with any Sens, it is a matter of you trying to restore some rapidly waning credibility.
So you can see, when you get on your high horse about lying it means nothing.
20 Sep 18
Originally posted by @whodeyWhat about the part where the bastards in the senate committee are now saying the FBI doesn't do those kind of investigations, yet it was that cretin Hatch himself publicly calling for an FBI investigation during the Anta Hill era. But now, there is no such thing. AND not allowing ANY other witnesses to corroborate Ford's testimony, like the fact she has had therapy and the therapist could give evidence to that. Or the yearbook from K's HS days showing CLEARLY he was a stumbling drunk? So republicans have in ABSOLUTE FACT LEARNED NOTHING from the Anita Hill days. They are going to push through the most ultra right wing nutter the SCOTUS has ever seen and the ESPECIALLY want Trump to have his get out of jail card.
What do getting death threats have to do with anything?
Kavanaugh should have the same rights as Ford, or do you disagree?
Ford says she was drinking, can't remember where she was or the exact day it happened and was drinking and with no witnesses. Now she says she can't give testimony?
How is this fair to Kavanaugh? Now if it is only women's rights you care about, what about Kav's daughters and wife and mother?
Hypocrites the whole lot of them. A TRAVESTY OF JUSTICE and history will in fact see it that way but Hatch and Greasy won't care since they will consider this their shining moment even as they are kicked out in the next election. They are willing to pay the political cost for all their absolute INJUSTICE.