@secondson saidFunny, Mike Savage himself is a lying bastard, so I guess he would know.
Congress gets the cream while the rest of the country gets the crumbs. Like Mike Savage said, they're a bunch of lying bastards.
12 Jan 19
@kazetnagorra [i]saidWhich results are undesirable?
Turns out that putting morons and crooks in charge leads to undesirable results.
@whodey saidDumb ad a bag of nails Whodey harps on about crazy eyes. Again.
Why is it that the military is doing their job and not getting paid, but Congress is not doing their job and getting paid?
Crazy Eyes Cortez was 100% correct when she said that Congress should be the ones going without pay.
Good grief. Don’t you hate yourself by now?
12 Jan 19
@averagejoe1 saidIf you wish to know what happens, have a look at what happened in Italy after Berlusconi arrived at the scene.
Which results are undesirable?
12 Jan 19
@kazetnagorra saidYep!
If you wish to know what happens, have a look at what happened in Italy after Berlusconi arrived at the scene.
And Trump is worse.