Why are people so unimaginative? Considering the shape that crowd of traitors in Washington now has got us into, I would sooner throw a dart at the Tulsa, Oklahoma telephone book. Im not joking.
Joseph(Can I copy your paper) "Cornrow" Biden??? Give me a break.
Hillbillary Clinton??? Are you crazy??? What billing records? oh...those.
Colin Powell? Lets just grab something off the internet shall we.
What was that other one? BAH! It does not matter. I do not want a "name recognition" candidate. Give me an anonymous American with some love in their heart for our country.
I'd vote for Phyllis Schlafly. Recognize that name? go to eagleforum.org and listen to a few of her 3-minute messages - she's a very thoughtful and mature constitutionalist.
Its not that we have no one better than Senor Bush, Growler Gore or Ooooh, I caught my weiner in my fly! Clinton - THOSE ARE THE NAMES GIVEN TO US BY THE PROPAGANDA MEDIA - the media is the enemy, in case you haven't figured that out
Break out of the Left/Right, Dem/Repub paradigm!!!!
Originally posted by RodneyPorterYou're kidding, of course. Schlafly was right wing when Ronald Reagan was still voting for Democrats. You don't break out of right/left dualities by moving further to the right. But if someone of her ilk could run in the US, it would prove beyond doubt what is already self-evident to those who remember the first half of the American Century (1900-1945)--there is no left left in America.
I'd vote for Phyllis Schlafly. Recognize that name? go to eagleforum.org and listen to a few of her 3-minute messages - she's a very thoughtful and mature constitutionalist.
Originally posted by flyUnityAfter eleven years of Mrs Thatcher...let me assure you that bellicosity is not an attribute women necessarily lack.
Yes, but for sure not Hil, Id only vote for a women, if I knew she was somone who is tough, and conservative, can you inmagine a women going to war with Iran? I cant