You LOVE Orban, he HATES blacks, Jews, Asians, Brown skins. Just like you.
of course I am.
The world has many unique races and cultures.
Mixing ruins that and their is no going back.
Selfish people don't care but in the future our world will be very boring because of the elimination of culture by mixing cultures.
You're always talking about preserving the earth so why not preserve the races?
@sleepyguy saidNo, I can get in, the problem is I have used my "free reads" and they want me to sign up.
Make sure there's not a space at the end when you paste it.
@sonhouse saidthanks, sonhouse
Try this, newsweek. BTW, the link worked for me.
@beowulf saidthat's a good point.
of course I am.
The world has many unique races and cultures.
Mixing ruins that and their is no going back.
Selfish people don't care but in the future our world will be very boring because of the elimination of culture by mixing cultures.
You're always talking about preserving the earth so why not preserve the races?
Leftists favor multi-culturalism in society while at the same time insisting on intermingling of cultured peoples.
In the end, the world has lost all of their unique cultures. that is a conundrum
@earl-of-trumps saidexactly.
that's a good point.
Leftists favor multi-culturalism in society while at the same time insisting on intermingling of cultured peoples.
In the end, the world has lost all of their unique cultures. that is a conundrum
Says the dude who must have a PHD in genetics. In fact mixing races makes humans as a whole stronger, like sickle cell anemia, a lot of blacks get it but if they marry say a hispanic or white, the gene that produces SSA is weakened and the children will be less likely to get it.
But to a racist like yourself, none of that matters, if the children came out to be supermen, you would still hate blacks.
@sonhouse saidSo we are supposed to breed with them to eliminate their genetic defects? 🤷
Says the dude who must have a PHD in genetics. In fact mixing races makes humans as a whole stronger, like sickle cell anemia, a lot of blacks get it but if they marry say a hispanic or white, the gene that produces SSA is weakened and the children will be less likely to get it.
But to a racist like yourself, none of that matters, if the children came out to be supermen, you would still hate blacks.
@sonhouse saidThe wingnuts like Fascists.
THIS is the GOP today? Raging fascist at a GOP rally in Texas?
Jebesus, is there no shame in the republican party?
Anyone here think this is ok?
@jimm619 saidPlease show us your 70 year old picture.
You're not even married....
Probably ain't real popular
with the girls, are ya'?
Allow us to bask in your good looks 🙄
I have no problem saying I'm good looking because I am. (And proved it here many times)
You're move race traitor.