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Originally posted by slappy115
Yeah, that was a swing and a miss on my part. I was trying to refer to all of the lands that Britain once controlled and still had a strong affect on as the UK. I didn't know that it was called the Commonwealth. Next time I'll Widepekia (or whatever it is) it.

Besides, I didn't forget New Zealand. I was referring to the continent of Australia, hence Australians, like how people in France are known as Europeans.
"For purposes of human geography, New Zealand is not considered to be part of the continent of Australia but is generally included in the region known as Australasia."

Swing and a miss. Again.

If you want to refer to Australia and New Zealand as one you'd be best to use Oceania.

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Originally posted by XanthosNZ
"For purposes of human geography, New Zealand is not considered to be part of the continent of Australia but is generally included in the region known as Australasia."

Swing and a miss. Again.

If you want to refer to Australia and New Zealand as one you'd be best to use Oceania.
Come on XanthosNZ, you know we are one nation really. It will be a great day when we unite.

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Originally posted by slappy115
Yeah, that was a swing and a miss on my part. I was trying to refer to all of the lands that Britain once controlled and still had a strong affect on as the UK. I didn't know that it was called the Commonwealth. Next time I'll Widepekia (or whatever it is) it.

Besides, I didn't forget New Zealand. I was referring to the continent of Australia, hence Australians, like how people in France are known as Europeans.
You'd best check your geography slappy.
France is one of many countries in the continent of Europe.
The country Australia, and the continent Australia, are one and the same.

That is, the continent of Australia has only one country in it - that's Australia.

New Zealand is a series of two major and many smaller islands around 1000km off the south eastern Australian coast - in other words, the two can hardly be confused.

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Originally posted by amannion
You'd best check your geography slappy.
France is one of many countries in the continent of Europe.
The country Australia, and the continent Australia, are one and the same.

That is, the continent of Australia has only one country in it - that's Australia.

New Zealand is a series of two major and many smaller islands around 1000km off the south eastern Australian coast - in other words, the two can hardly be confused.
People from Europe are European. France is in Europe. Therefore, people from France are European.

I was using France as an example.

England doesn't belong to the continent of Europe by your logic. The Caribbean wouldn't be apart of North America and Japan is not part of Asia.

However, I always thought that the whole region that is Australia and New Zealand was considered Australia.

Don't you think that it would be convinent to call the whole area Australia. And I understand that the island of Australia has only one country on it.

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Originally posted by slappy115

However, I always thought that the whole region that is Australia and New Zealand was considered Australia.

Don't you think that it would be convinent to call the whole area Australia. And I understand that the island of Australia has only one country on it.
Australia is New Zealand's public toilet.

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Originally posted by slappy115
People from Europe are European. France is in Europe. Therefore, people from France are European.

I was using France as an example.

England doesn't belong to the continent of Europe by your logic. The Caribbean wouldn't be apart of North America and Japan is not part of Asia.

However, I always thought that the whole region that is Australia and ...[text shortened]... le area Australia. And I understand that the island of Australia has only one country on it.
Your slaphappiness knows no bounds.
Australia comprises of more than one island.

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Originally posted by slappy115
People from Europe are European. France is in Europe. Therefore, people from France are European.

I was using France as an example.

England doesn't belong to the continent of Europe by your logic. The Caribbean wouldn't be apart of North America and Japan is not part of Asia.

However, I always thought that the whole region that is Australia and ...[text shortened]... le area Australia. And I understand that the island of Australia has only one country on it.
Why would it be more convenient?
That'd be like saying, let's just call the whoile area of which France is a part, France - that'll be more convenient.

Rather it makes things more confusing. Am I talking about the continent France or the country France? Likewise calling an entire region Australia - including New Zealand - would be completely confusing and I can't see any purpose it serves.
If you want to talk about Australia talk about it. If you want to talk about New Zealand talk about that. If you want to talk about both talk about both.

As for England and the Carribean and Japan - you're putting words into my mouth.
I don't deny that continents often include adjacent islands, but I've never in my life - not until today at least - heard New Zealand considered as part of some Australian continent.

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Originally posted by treetalk
Australia is New Zealand's public toilet.
Why the animosity?
I've never understood that.
It's like the animosity between some states in Australia.
There's no need for competition other than on the sporting arena.

Australia's a nice place.
So is New Zealand.

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Originally posted by uzless
maybe the US shoulda joined WWII at the beginning instead of the end. Good thing Einsenhower thumbed his nose at congress and the american people and finally told them to stick it because the US had ignored the Allies pleas to enter the war.

"Europe's War" was how you yanks called it until the Japanese attacked you, so ease up on complaining about how much support you got. Works both ways.
You need to shut-up and read some History. Canada only entered ther war because they were a protectorate "satellite" of GB and still considerd Her their "Mother' country. The US sent millions of tons of materiel and the American people didn't want to enter a war that they saw as a result of British and French pacifism/appeasement to Hitler. Remember, WWI was fresh on the minds of many Americans. The US didn't enter the war towards the "end", "professor" 🙄; we entered the war 27 months into the conflagration and ultimately contributed the bulk of "wup-ass" that eventually ended the war in an allied victory. What the hell do they teach you Canucks about WW2 in your schools? Let me guess-the liberal-leftist socialists educational system in Canada have twisted the History books to reflect a minimal role of US involvement....right?

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Originally posted by amannion
Why the animosity?
I've never understood that.
It's like the animosity between some states in Australia.
There's no need for competition other than on the sporting arena.

Australia's a nice place.
So is New Zealand.
No animosity - and I'm sure most Aussies wouldn't think so from my comment. Just an instinctive, friendly dig.

We have a great rivalry that ends when we're outside our respective countries - then we're best mates.

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Originally posted by chancremechanic
You need to shut-up and read some History. Canada only entered ther war because they were a protectorate of GB and still considerd Her their "Mother' country. The US sent millions of tons of materiel and the American people didn't want to enter a war that they saw as a result of British and French pacifism/appeasement to Hitler. Remember, WWI was ...[text shortened]... a have twisted the History books to reflect a minimal role of US involvement....right?
You only mentioned 'liberal' once - not had your morning coffee yet?

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Originally posted by treetalk
No animosity - and I'm sure most Aussies wouldn't think so from my comment. Just an instinctive, friendly dig.

We have a great rivalry that ends when we're outside our respective countries - then we're best mates.
I bet you really are "best mates"....😉

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Originally posted by chancremechanic
I bet you really are "best mates"....😉
There you go again chancre ... don't be shy about your sexuality - I'll never turn my back on you, but I'll not think less of you! 😉

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Originally posted by chancremechanic
I bet you really are "best mates"....😉
You wouldnt understand it chancre, we Aussies and New Zealanders actually do like each other and look out for each other overall. We have a long history and shed some blood together on more than one occasion. I will take a Kiwi to watch my back over any other nation in the world.

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Originally posted by chancremechanic
You need to shut-up and read some History.
The Bush family ties to the Nazi party are well known. In their 1994 Secret War Against the Jews, Mark Aarons and John Loftus use official US documents to establish that George Herbert Walker, George W. Bush's maternal great-grandfather, was one of Hitler's most important early backers. He funneled money to the rising young fascist through the Union Banking Corporation.

In 1926, Walker arranged to have his new son-in-law, Prescott Bush---father of President George Bush I, grandfather of George Bush II---hired as Vice President at W.A. Harriman and Company. Prescott became a senior partner when Harriman merged with a British-American investment company to become Brown Brothers Harriman. In 1934 Prescott Bush joined the Board of Directors of Union Banking.

The bank helped Hitler rise to power. It also helped him wage war. As late as July 31, 1941---well after the Nazi invasion of Poland---the U.S. government froze $3 million in Union Banking assets linked to Fritz Thyssen. Thyssen was noted in the American press as a "German industrialist and original backer of Adolph Hitler."

Loftus writes that Thyssen's "American friends in New York City [were] Prescott Bush and Herbert Walker, the father and father-in-law of a future President of the United States." That would be the current president's father, George Herbert Walker Bush, also the former CIA director.

On October 20, 1942, the U.S. government ordered the seizure of Nazi Germany's banking operations in New York City, which were under the direction of Prescott Bush. The government seized control of Union Banking Corporation under the Trading with the Enemy Act. The liquidation yielded a reported $750,000 apiece for Prescott Bush and George Herbert Walker. The book, The Splendid Blonde Beast: Money, Law and Genocide, goes into exhaustive detail on Bush-Harriman Nazi money laundering. More recently, Michael Kranish covers the same Bush-Nazi relationships in The Rise of the Bush Family Dynasty published in the Boston Globe. Loftus documents that "Prescott Bush knowingly served as a money launderer for the Nazis. Remember that Union Bank's books and accounts were frozen by the U.S. Alien Property Custodian in 1942 and not released back to the Bush family until 1951."

Often ignored are the Bush family's post-World War II dealings with former Nazis. John Foster Dulles, who had worked with the Bush family in the Harriman Company in laundering money for Nazi Germany, was Dwight Eisenhower's Secretary of State. His brother Allen became CIA director.

As Martin Lee documents in The Beast Reawakens, American intelligence recruited numerous top Nazis to spy on the Soviets during the Cold War. Many established connections to the Bush family that had helped finance their original rise to power. In 1988 Project Censored, in its top award, noted "how the major mass media ignored, overlooked or undercovered at least ten critical stories reported in America's alternative press that raised serious questions about the Republican candidate, George Bush, dating from his reported role as a CIA 'asset' in 1963 to his presidential campaign's connection with a network of anti-Semites with Nazi and fascist affiliations in 1988." Investigative reporter Russ Bellant established ties between the Republican Party and former Axis Nazis and fascists.

In 2000 and 2001 the Columbus Alive published a series of articles documenting further links between Bush, Sr. and the Rev. Sun Myung Moon and his own fascist networks in Japan and Korea.

Karl Rove has parallel ties. The shadowy Rove serves as "Bush's Brain" in the current White House. He is the political mastermind behind the California coup, and is now in the headlines for outing Valerie Plame, the CIA wife of Ambassador Joseph Wilson. A consummate strategist, Rove may have outed Plame in retaliation for Wilson's failure to back up the Bush claim that Saddam Hussein was buying nuclear weapons materials in Africa. According to some published reports, as many as seventy CIA operatives have been put at risk by Rove's retaliatory strike.

According to Wilson, and to Retired U.S. Navy Lt. Commander Al Martin (www.almartinraw.com), Rove's grandfather was Karl Heinz Roverer, the Gauleiter of Oldenburg. Roverer was Reich-Statthalter---Nazi State Party Chairman---for his region. He was also a partner and senior engineer in the Roverer Sud-Deutche Ingenieurburo A. G. engineering firm, which built the Birkenau death camp, at which tens of thousands of Jews, Gypsies, dissidents and other were slaughtered en masse.

Rove, who has been based in Utah and associated with the Mormon Church, is widely viewed as the chief engineer of the current Bush administration. He and Tom DeLay are attempting to force the Texas legislature to redistrict its Congressional delegations, adding seven sure seats to the Republican column. By controlling the state houses in New York, Florida, Texas and California, the GOP would have a lock on the four largest states in the union, and thus the ability to manipulate vote counts and strip voter registration rolls in the run-up to the 2004 election.

Rove is a prime behind-the-scenes mover in the Schwarzenegger campaign. On May 1, 1939, a year after the Nazis took control of Schwarzenegger's native Austria, his father Gustav, voluntarily joined Hilter's infamous Strumabteilung (SA), "brown shirt" stormtroopers. This was just six months after the brown shirts played a key role in the bloody Kristallnacht attacks on Germany's Jewish community.

The Vienna daily Der Standard noted recently that "Gustav, a high-ranking Nazi, brought up the bespectacled, rather frail boy with an iron fist and quite a few slaps in the face." Arnold's father favored a Hitler-style mustache in photos.

On October 3, ABC News broke the story of Schwarzenegger's 1977 interview in which he was asked whom he admired. Schwarzenegger replied, "I admire Hitler, for instance, because he came from being a little man with almost no formal education, up to power. I admire him for being such a good public speaker and for what he did with it."

To cover himself, Schwarzenegger has made substantial donations to the Los Angeles-based Wiesenthal Center, which tracks down ex-Nazis. Arnold has also renounced Hitler.

But he has not renounced his friendship with fellow Austrian Kurt Waldheim, the one-time head of the United Nations with known Nazi ties. The book Arnold: An Unauthorized Biography, documents Arnold toasting Waldheim, who had participated in Nazi atrocities during World War II, at his wedding to Maria Shriver. "My friends don't want me to mention Kurt's name, because of all the recent Nazi stuff and the U.N. controversy," Arnold said. "But I love him and Maria does to, and so thank you, Kurt."

On May 17, 2001, Schwarzenegger also met with Kenneth "Kenny Boy" Lay of Enron at the Peninsula Hotel in Los Angeles. Through the utility deregulation plan signed into law by Pete Wilson, Schwarzenegger's chief advisor, California was destabilized, bankrupting the state government and opening the door for Tuesday's recall election. Lay has been George W. Bush's chief financial backer, and a close associate of Karl Rove's.

According to Bob Woodward's Bush at War, Bush attended a New York Yankees game soon after the September 11 World Trade Center disaster. He wore a fireman's jacket. As he threw out the first pitch, the crowd roared. Thousands of fans stuck out their arms with thumbs up. Karl Rove, sitting in the box of Yankee owner George Steinbrenner, likened the roar of the crowd to "a Nazi rally."

He would know.

Bob Fitrakis's Spooks, Nuke & Nazis is now available at www.freepress.org. He is co-author with Harvey Wasserman of The SuperPower of Peace v. Bush et. al.. available November 1.

Harvey Wasserman is author of Harvey Wasserman's History of the United States and co-author (with Bob Fitrakis) of The Superpower of Peace v. Bush et. al., soon available from www.freepress.org.

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