@mott-the-hoople saidYour missing the point son, statistically you conservatives are the kiddy fiddlers and no we do not support you
you trying to deflect from your support of the child f…kers?
@sonhouse saidI bet you dream about Donald.
Is it ok for your god king to be throwing tantrums now that his criminal history is out in the open? Do you think throwing tantrums and posting tweets while in court is the kind of behavior you want in a POTUS? Do you really think that is leadership? Do you really think that makes him strong?
@sonhouse saidYour team... the liberals have changed the word pedophilia to MAPS. Not the right. keep championing your psychotic, sick, disgusting left.
Hey AAASSSWIPE, here is one lib who would kill any fukker I saw sexually abusing children. Your really stupid attacks on libs saying we are soft on pedophilia is just another version of your life long built in racism.