Originally posted by buffalobill"RUN FOR THE HILLS" next time you could be castrated.... "run for the hills" this was the line I used on one of my dogs when I heard he was about to get the snip... he never was the same! ouchπ²
"I'm late."
"I'm pregnant."
"It's twins."
These have all been said to me at various stages in my life.
Answering a knock at the door , seeing an attractive young lady , hearing her say , "You don't know me , but I think you're my dad." (No I haven't had this happen.)
This one's a real horror story though . I had a friend in college a year ahead of me . He came back to attend a party back at college with the gang several months after graduation . It was there he told me this story .
He got his degree in education and planed on being a middle school/high school teacher . His 1st job after graduation was in a small town in the middle of nowhere in Wisconsin . He didn't know a soul in a 50 mile radius . So he's gone from an active social life of partying till all hours in school , to zip - nadda - nothing . After a month plus of grinding boredom , a teacher he worked with took sympathy on him . She told him she was going to a wedding reception Saturday night , and that her husband would be unable to attend . She invited him to go as her guest as a favor to him , so that he might make some connections . And hopefully meet a lady friend .
He gets well into the reception , is pleasantly drunk , has had a few dances , and hit it off well with a very attractive lady . Things seem to flow , there's a chemistry and spark that shows real promise . After a dance with her , he says he wants to go out to his car to retrieve some smokes . She offers to step out with him "for some fresh air" . They end up in his back seat with some heavy making out and groping . At an interlude , he voices something that had been nagging him in the back of his mind and asks her , "I'm a stranger in this town , and don't know anyone around here . Yet it seems like I know you from somewhere . Have we met before ?"
She replys , " Don't be silly Mr Smith ! I'm in your 6th hour study hall !"