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100 Easy Steps...

100 Easy Steps...


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28. Read Watzlawicks book on the topic and follow the instructions 😉

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# 29. Follow the crowd and take drugs and alchohol. You are immune to any bad results.

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
100 Easy Steps...

100 Easy Steps to achieving maximum self induced misery and self inflicted pain,

and a bare minimum of fulfillment and happiness during your life on this earth:

1. Start in childhood, imagining the whole god damn world revolves all around you.

2. Become an expert in using the third word of...
30. Take everything for granted. Presume the status quo of your health, income and home.

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31. Seize opportunities to shock and bully and insult young and old alike with your mouth.

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69 to go ! 😠

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32. Learn how to malign and slander. Create public lies about people you can't stand.

33. Ignore the hard fact that irrationality causes loss of identity and incoherent posts.

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
32. Learn how to malign and slander. Create public lies about people you can't stand.

33. Ignore the hard fact that irrationality causes loss of identity and incoherent posts.
I was only playing when I blamed you for the credit crunch.

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34. Learn to be disrespectful. All your likeminded peers will shower you with praise.

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
34. Learn to be disrespectful. All your likeminded peers will shower you with praise.
#35. Always have the last word, and interrupt others when they are talking. That way they will acknowlege that you are vastly more intelligent.

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Originally posted by ale1552
#35. Always have the last word, and interrupt others when they are talking. That way they will acknowlege that you are vastly more intelligent.
36. Slobber when you kiss. Breathe hard. It's all about you. Avoid kissing slowly or slow.

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
36. Slobber when you kiss. Breathe hard. It's all about you. Avoid kissing slowly or slow.
hellz yeah😵

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37. Always, always locate the nearest exits (egresses if in the Boston Ritz Carlton) first.

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
37. Always, always locate the nearest exits (egresses if in the Boston Ritz Carlton) first.
That sounds like a wise precaution. How does it lead to misery? I think I would feel a lot more miserable if there was a fire and I had not located the nearest exits.

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Originally posted by Nordlys
That sounds like a wise precaution. How does it lead to misery? I think I would feel a lot more miserable if there was a fire and I had not located the nearest exits.
What you think and reality are very often diametrically opposed. In this instance we're looking at the self fulfilling prophecy of cowardly males.

Edit: Nordlys, let's head any misunderstanding off at the pass. Gender is on the table. We are speaking metaphorically of green, macho

compensating, wet leg young men and boys who are incapable of sustaining face to face eyelock in a conversation without bucking out.

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38. Immerse yourself in the black hole of the overeducated. Assume technical training = wisdom.

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