06 Nov 11
Originally posted by jimslyp69I've heard speculation that the False Prophet in the Book of Revelation is Judas.
Judas takes both awards in my book. If it wasn't for Judas, then we wouldn't have easter eggs now, would we?! No betrayal, no crucifiction etc. SO kudos on that point.
On the other hand, guy would sell his granny. So superficial dude.
Oh wait a second, didn't the church steal the idea of this festival from pagans?
Right, I'm lost, I give up.
Not too sure about that idea, but it does provide food for thought.
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyI read that stuff and it is like some bizarre comedy or fantasy. Truly unbelieveable.
One third of the angels fell in line with Lucifer who lead the revolt to upstage his creator with the result that all got their butts booted out of their first estate in Heaven. Lucifer appealed the sentence with the clever line '... but how could a loving god do this to mere creatures full well knowing they would fail to pass the test of their volition information resource is still embedded in my RHP Profile. Choice is still up to you.
The Castanada books have more validity than that hogwash.
06 Nov 11
Originally posted by HandyAndyAt this point, Andy, you really don't need any definitive map, global positioning system voice over or tour guide to locate the fountain of truth. You've already amply demonstrated that you've been blessed with an excellent nose for finding stuff in nooks and crannies and haystacks, so if it's out there (anywhere but in plain view) that long proboscis of yours will surely sniff it out.
Thanks for the link. With respect to the Book of Genesis, your resource is
woefully short on facts and long on myths, legends, supposition and theory.
06 Nov 11
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyI can only smell greasepaint and tanbark.
At this point, Andy, you really don't need any definitive map, global positioning system voice over or tour guide to locate the fountain of truth. You've already amply demonstrated that you've been blessed with an excellent nose for finding stuff in nooks and crannies and haystacks, so if it's out there (anywhere but in plain view) that long proboscis of yours will surely sniff it out.
06 Nov 11
Originally posted by HandyAndyAnd don't you dare change your modus operandi and start treating others better than they deserve. Stick with the lessons learned in childhood at home and in the schoolyard that have formed your psyche and brought you happiness this far in your lifetime.
It's only what you deserve.
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyNow you're making me sad.
And don't you dare change your modus operandi and start treating others better than they deserve. Stick with the lessons learned in childhood at home and in the schoolyard that have formed your psyche and brought you happiness this far in your lifetime.
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyThe way I heard it told was like this....
Letter home from college:
Dear Dad,
I'm sad. Need mon.
Your son
Dear Son,
No mon. Too bad.
Your Dad
Dear Dad,
No money, no funny,
Dear Son,
So sad, Too bad.