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2016 - Fantastic movie

2016 - Fantastic movie



Originally posted by John Osmar
I've seen the movie. The author clearly identifies Obama's motive for his hatred of America, and shows us how Obama will continue to destroy the US as long as he lives.
No Liberal will have the courage to see this movie, much less the character to admit that they have no idea how serious a threat this man is.
Visit this web page, report back... and I'll watch the film. Or you scared?



Originally posted by Luck
You need to see this movie!


Harri / Luck
Good to see you're still as mentally fit as you are physically.



Originally posted by Phlabibit
Visit this web page, report back... and I'll watch the film. Or you scared?

Had a little trouble getting past point #2, which commended Obama for appointing a Chief Performance Officer, whose job is to 'save the government money'. Since he has added $5trillion to our debt, I hope this guy is on commission.
Certainly had to hand it to him for "Ordering 65 executives to cut their pay", but I guess they left out the part where $27billion stimulus money went to the auto workers union pension fund, the only money not returned to the taxpayers later.
Under "Transparency", I looked all over for a reference to Fast-and-Furious, where Attorney General Holder refuses to turn over documents proving that Obama did this as part of his efforts to destroy the second amendment.
Lost among all the glorious economic accomplishments is how he has raised unemployment to 8.6%. Maybe it's listed as an accomplishment under "New Regulations".

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Originally posted by John Osmar
Had a little trouble getting past point #2, which commended Obama for appointing a Chief Performance Officer, whose job is to 'save the government money'. Since he has added $5trillion to our debt, I hope this guy is on commission.
Certainly had to hand it to him for "Ordering 65 executives to cut their pay", but I guess they left out the part where $27 d unemployment to 8.6%. Maybe it's listed as an accomplishment under "New Regulations".
I will admit I don't like the automotive bail out, where was the government when The Big Three ran Packard and Studebaker into the ground? If you make a crappy product, you shouldn't be rewarded.

But then again, I suppose it saved a few thousand jobs... and a better product (supposedly) is now being put out. Saving cash to make more cash in a competitive industry doesn't work.


Originally posted by John Osmar
I've seen the movie. The author clearly identifies Obama's motive for his hatred of America, and shows us how Obama will continue to destroy the US as long as he lives.
No Liberal will have the courage to see this movie, much less the character to admit that they have no idea how serious a threat this man is.
This is nonsense. You may not agree with the President's politics and that is fine - you are certainly free to share that opinion here or in the debates forum. But to say the President hates America shows a clear lack of thinking on your part and it is impossible to take anything else you say seriously.

Turn off the noise from the left and the right and do some quiet thinking on your own. Just take a day and examine the facts. I think you would find that is is not logical that anyone nationally elected or appointed in the 3 main branches of government in the US hates America.

As for saying what "no liberal" has the courage to do - again you are kind of destroying your own credibility. There are plenty of liberal people in the military and serving as first responders in firehouses and police stations throughout the country.

There are plenty of courageous people, conservative and liberal, teaching in our schools and working in our hospitals. You want to talk about courage - lets talk about fighting breast cancer or raising an autistic child.

None of these people will have the courage to see a propaganda film because they voted for a democrat 4 years ago? No one? Do you really believe this?

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I'm not American but I do live in a "democratic" country, as do you Yanks. I'm pretty sure that, like us, you folks elect, in mostly a free to choose who you want fashion (OK Florida had it's hicups a few years back) and I think majority rules is the way it works...or at least the party with the most votes gets to be the ones to run the country for what is it 4 years? If you disagree with the way things are going when the next chance comes to vote do so but please don't whine too much if the one you voted for doesn't win get more involved and try to get likeminded friends and colleagues to cast their votes. My goodness look who we have as our leader.🙄


Originally posted by mercurial
This is nonsense. You may not agree with the President's politics and that is fine - you are certainly free to share that opinion here or in the debates forum. But to say the President hates America shows a clear lack of thinking on your part and it is impossible to take anything else you say seriously.

Turn off the noise from the left and the right an ...[text shortened]... ganda film because they voted for a democrat 4 years ago? No one? Do you really believe this?
See the movie, re-read your first paragraph, then you take a day and think about things.


Originally posted by John Osmar
See the movie, re-read your first paragraph, then you take a day and think about things.
OK will do.


Originally posted by mercurial
OK will do.
Done yet?


Originally posted by John Osmar
See the movie, re-read your first paragraph, then you take a day and think about things.
Sorry, too busy watching a turd go cold, why would anyone watch a blatant piece of propaganda from their political opposites; any republican Bush supporter must have had money to waste if they went to Fahrenheit 9/11, likewise anyone from the democrat side would have to be a idiot to pay to watch this.

Wait till it goes free to air and throw soft things at the telly.

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Originally posted by mikelom
I don't watch films or cinema. Never have done.

You can learn a lot more about 'real life' and infidels and untrue characters in 2 hours of living, in encountering reality, than you'll ever learn sitting on your fat ass watching films and stuffing yourselves full of popcorn and Pepsi.

Pity the people who say, "you must watch this."

No I mustn't. Hap ...[text shortened]... 1 country to live in, ahum.... if you are an alcoholic and abide cold, by all means!
Dude. Let them have their little treats, I mean criticize them by all means, but in the end you have to pick your battles/criticisms. Are they worth it? (No matter how funny or how incisive? )
Well I think they are worth it if they are funny but that's me 😉

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Originally posted by kevcvs57
Sorry, too busy watching a turd go cold, why would anyone watch a blatant piece of propaganda from their political opposites; any republican Bush supporter must have had money to waste if they went to Fahrenheit 9/11, likewise anyone from the democrat side would have to be a idiot to pay to watch this.

Wait till it goes free to air and throw soft things at the telly.
All right. Here it is . Everyone listening? This is a multi million dollar idea and I'm going to share with you right here and I'm going to give it to you for free just to see it work.

Enter the *AD - GUN* . It's like a plastic remote control in the shape of your fave handgun which has a variety of different shots that appear on your TV screen. From glass cracks to bloody bullet holes, these little beauties will get you through many a ad as you blow away your most hated people and props in your most hated ads now made suddenly your most favorite. Why not leave them on and take a shot at your most hated politicians on the 6 o'clock news? You get the gist?


Originally posted by Phlabibit
Good to see you're still as mentally fit as you are physically.

I hate to say it, but that was the zing of the year.

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Originally posted by ChessPraxis
I hate to say it, but that was the zing of the year.
Ad - Gun


Originally posted by mercurial
This is nonsense. You may not agree with the President's politics and that is fine - you are certainly free to share that opinion here or in the debates forum. But to say the President hates America shows a clear lack of thinking on your part and it is impossible to take anything else you say seriously.

The film did not make the claim that Obama hated America. What it did was show that Obama had a Marxist father and a mother who was left winged. In fact, they met in a Russion class in college. Obama then had a leftist father figure because his father was never around. He then goes to the US and hooks up with a pastor who mixes Marxism and the gospels via Black Libertarian theolgy and befriends a left winged nut like Ayers etc.

So what is significant about this? Absolutely nothing, so long as Obama divorced the ideology of everyone in his life before taking the oath of office.

I just think Obama wants to "reshape" America into the ideology that reared him.

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