@very-rusty saidBooger still won.
I heard you once took a knife to a gun fight! 😛 🙂
@booger saidThe trick sir is to eat them in the bath, after a game of billiards.
I could eat 50 pickled eggs in one sitting.
I'll count the next big jar and get back to you.
This might get interesting 🤔
A one gallon jar holds around 44 pickled eggs.
Trust me on this.
09 Jan 23
@ghost-of-a-duke saidHow about in a pool playing pool?
The trick sir is to eat them in the bath, after a game of billiards.
Trust me on this.
09 Jan 23
@very-rusty saidI heard you once took Tupperware to a bake-off.
I heard you once took a knife to a gun fight! 😛 🙂
@gambrel saidSorry to hear it. Circa age 20 my eyesight deteriorated so rapidly that I thought I would be blind in a few years.
Back in the day, I could shoot off the antennas of an ant at 200 yards with a rifle. I was proficient at combat pistol, but never could hit at range.
Now I can't see the sights.
Luckily it did stop getting worse.
My "eyeballs" are probably shaped like sausages but there's only so much room in my skull.