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99 Red/LuftBalloons is not a good song

99 Red/LuftBalloons is not a good song


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I used the Google translater and this is the result. The toyshop for instance has mysteriously disappeared. I made some comments. Hopefully it is of some help. Please do not regard this as an adequate translation. It is merely meant to make clear the overall differences compared to the "official" English lyrics.

You have something time for me
then sing I a song for you
from 99 ballons (Luftballon= Air-balloons)
on its way to the horizon
think you g'rad of me perhaps (grad= on this moment)
sing I a song for you
from 99 ballons
and sowas of sowas come. (sowas=such a thing)

99 ballons
on its way to the horizon
one regarded as ufos from the universe
therefore sent a general
to ' Ne flier relay afterwards (Flieger Staffel= airplane squadron)
alarm to give wenn's so more waer ------(To give alarm if it turned out to be true.)
thereby war'n there at the horizon only 99 ballons (war'n=were)

a 99 nozzle flier (Düsenflieger= jet airplanes)
of everyone was not a large krieger (everyone was a great warrier)
held themselves for Captain Kirk
gave large fireworks
the neighbours anything gerafft ( gerafft = ??)
and felt thereby shot equivalent (German slang ? The neighbours felt they were taken for a ride)
put on one on the horizon on ( they were only shooting on the horizon at )
99 ballons

99 war Ministers
match and gasoline can
regarded themselves as smart people
Witterten already fat booty scoring: (they were thinking about scoring a fat booty)
War and power one wanted
who would have that thought
it once so far comes
ways 99 ballons ["ways" should be "because of"]

99 years war
did not leave no place for winner(s)
war Minister gibt's to no more (There are no more War Ministers)
and also no nozzle fliers (Flieger Staffel= airplane squadrons)
today pull I mean for rounds (Today I make my rounds)
Seh ' the world in rubble to be appropriate (I see the world in ruines)
have ' ' nen ballon found ( I have found an air balloon)
think ' of you and let ' it fly

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Originally posted by ivanhoe
and also no nozzle fliers
Makes you think, doesn't it?

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Originally posted by Nordlys
So is the German one.
It is an integral part of the content of the song. Nena's presentation is perfect in that regard. An air baloon is a child's requisite. Captain Kirk is a character in a children's series [oops, I can hear the protests 😉 ] .Children love fireworks, planes and balloons.

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Originally posted by dottewell
Makes you think, doesn't it?
It sure does 😕

One entry found for nozzle.

Main Entry: noz·zle
Pronunciation: 'nä-z&l
Function: noun
Etymology: diminutive of nose
1 a : a projecting vent of something b : a short tube with a taper or constriction used (as on a hose) to speed up or direct a flow of fluid c : a part in a rocket engine that accelerates the exhaust gases from the combustion chamber to a high velocity
2 slang : NOSE


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Originally posted by ivanhoe
It sure does 😕
She was sexy even though she had hairy armpits, what was her name Nina???

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Originally posted by Vladamir no1
She was sexy even though she had hairy armpits, what was her name Nina???

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Originally posted by ivanhoe
ah the lovely Nena where is she now.germany I suppose

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Originally posted by buffalobill
In which case I still regard it as a piece of pop-cr*p. The English version is only for tweenies.
i disagree. there is a lot of pop crap from the eightes, but check out the lyrics of this song. it's deeper than pop crap. and not only are the lyrics meaningful, but they flow nicely too. the music is poppy, up beat funk with that ubiquitous 80s synthesizer...

it's a generally happy a song about nuclear war. and surviving that. and balloons. red ones.

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Originally posted by ivanhoe
I used the Google translater and this is the result. The toyshop for instance has mysteriously disappeared. I made some comments. Hopefully it is of some help. Please do not regard this as an adequate translation. It is merely meant to make clear the overall differences compared to the "official" English lyrics.

You have something time for me
then s ...[text shortened]...
have ' ' nen ballon found ( I have found an air balloon)
think ' of you and let ' it fly
ok, since I'm too awake and excited and I dunno what to go to sleep, I'll translate it for you 😉
Do you have some time for me?
Then I'll sng a song for you
of 99 air balloons
on their way to the horizon
Are you perhaps thinking of me right now?
I'll sing a song for you
of99 air balloons
and that something comes from something (that doesn't make much sense in German either)

99 air balloons
On their way to the horizon
were taken for UFOs from outer space
So a general
sent a flying squadron after them
to alarm everyone if this proved to be true.
But in the end on te horizon,
there were just 99 air balloons.

99 jet fighter pilots,
each one was a great warrior.
Thought they were Captain Kirk
There was a big firework.
The naighbors didn't get it
and instantly felt offended
even though on the horizon,
they were just shooting at 99 air balloons.

99 war ministers
matches and gas containers
thought they were smart people
already smelling a grand prize.
Calling "War!" and wanting power
man, who would have thought
that it would go this far
because of 99 air balloons

because of 99 air balloons

99 years of war
left no place for victors
war ministers don't exist anymore
and neither do jet fighters.
Today, I pace my rounds
see the world lie in wreckage
I've found an air balloon...
I think of you and let it fly.

Yes, you're welcome. No need to thank me... only took half an hour 😛

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Thank you... but I did really like the expression "nozzle fliers" in Ivanhoe's version, and intend to use it as often as possible.

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What's the German translation of Frankie goes to Hollywood's 'Relax'?

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Originally posted by Siskin
What's the German translation of Frankie goes to Hollywood's 'Relax'?
Any of you young nozzle fliers care to check it out?

(See, it's fun!)

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I was curious in there any special meaning to the number 99. Why is 99 luftballoons and not 72. Just curious if anyone knows.


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You and I in a little toy shop
Buy a bag of balloons with the money we've got
Set them free at the break of dawn
'till one by one they were gone
Back at base, sparks in the software
Flash the message "something's out there"
Floating in the summer sky
Ninety nine red balloons go by

Ninety nine red balloons
Floating in the summer sky
Panic bells, it's red alert
There's something here from somewhere else
The war machine springs to life
Opens up one eager eye
And focusing it on the sky
The ninety nine red balloons go by

Ninety nine decisions treat
Ninety nine ministers meet
To worry, worry, super scurry
Call the troops out in a hurry
This is what we've waited for
This is it boys, this is war
The President is on the line
As Ninety nine red balloons go by

Ninety nine knights of the air
Ride super high-tech jet fighters
Everyone's a super hero
Everyone's a Captain Kirk
With orders to identify
To clarify and classify
Scramble in the summer sky
Ninety nine red balloons go by

As ninety nine red balloons go by

Ninety nine dreams I have had
In every one a red balloon
It's all over and I'm standing pretty
In this dust that was a city
If i could find a souvenir
Just to prove the world was here
And here is a red balloon
I think of you and let it go

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