Dear Abbie says...
“Yes! You are over reacting. You should take solace in the fact that
apparently YOUR opponent is having a difficult time finding his/her
next move in your game. Whether you think it difficult or not has no
bearing on his/her ability to fine the most appropriate move. You
simply should be patient, and consider your opponent's struggle to
find a good move a compliment to you for your good play.
Perhaps you have created a problem for your opponent that you,
yourself have not yet realized. One question you should ask
yourself: "Is s/he looking deeper for the truth of the position than I?"
My advice: Recheck your analysis and if you think you understand the
position very well, considered the time your opponent is taking a
compliment to your good play. In other words, stop whining and wait
your turn!”
I agree with Dear Abbie...
Originally posted by maggoteerI agree. This is the exact reason why I delay some games while others advance.
Indeed, I'd argue if I am being slow in a game, my opponent should take that as a compliment, because in general it means I want/need MORE TIME to think through that game.
So, if you notice me playing moves in other games and your game with me is just sitting there, then know that it is because you are making my life overly difficult. 😉