Originally posted by sonhouseThank you for your reply - it's a laptop. Luckily enough nothing on the keys - really just a spot, size of a quarter... well it seems I can really not do anything here.
Was it the keyboard to a laptop or a PC? If a lap you're screwed. If a PC, they are cheap enough to replace. Or you could just live with it. Did it destroy what letter or character that was the key or keys?
Oh and I'm having a hard time to choose from all other suggestions because it's a brandnew laptop....of course it was really expensive and my bosses bought it for me just 6 weeks ago.... sounds too good but is true ;-/
thanks anyways
Originally posted by Flower04All that for a 1/4 in. spot?
Thank you for your reply - it's a laptop. Luckily enough nothing on the keys - really just a spot, size of a quarter... well it seems I can really not do anything here.
Oh and I'm having a hard time to choose from all other suggestions because it's a brandnew laptop....of course it was really expensive and my bosses bought it for me just 6 weeks ago.... sounds too good but is true ;-/
thanks anyways
Originally posted by Flower04Contact the manufacturer.
Thank you for your reply - it's a laptop. Luckily enough nothing on the keys - really just a spot, size of a quarter... well it seems I can really not do anything here.
Oh and I'm having a hard time to choose from all other suggestions because it's a brandnew laptop....of course it was really expensive and my bosses bought it for me just 6 weeks ago.... sounds too good but is true ;-/
thanks anyways
If it is a current model from a reputable company then they should be able to supply a new case element. (These parts are usually quite cheap.)
If the "acetone" was nail polish remover, then there may be some residue which using more nail polish remover (or better, pure acetone) and wiping it off immediately. Under this model the spot is made of stuff that was dissolved in the acetone in the nail polish remover.
Or, maybe the acetone dissolved the plastic. This model would suggest that the surface texture of the spot is rough, or otherwise changed.
Or, maybe the acetone dissolved the paint that makes up the letters on the keys. Then more acetone and a wipe up should do the job but may destroy the letter even more.
Originally posted by Flower04One thing you might do, if there are keys effected, and it is under warrenty, the place you got it from may be able to replace the affected keys. Can you still see the characters where the acetone hit?
Thank you for your reply - it's a laptop. Luckily enough nothing on the keys - really just a spot, size of a quarter... well it seems I can really not do anything here.
Oh and I'm having a hard time to choose from all other suggestions because it's a brandnew laptop....of course it was really expensive and my bosses bought it for me just 6 weeks ago.... sounds too good but is true ;-/
thanks anyways
Originally posted by Flower04There are plenty of safe places to open acetone. Chemmy lab is a good one. What's the fixation with Acetone and the bathroom anyway?
[b] open a bottle of Acetone anywhere else than in the bathroom.... [b]
Hope your bathroom suite isn't the same polymer as your laptop! 😛
Originally posted by Flower04Stop popping your pimples will solve the problem 🙂
I know it's not the smartest thing to open a bottle of Acetone anywhere else than in the bathroom.... anyway it happened, and now I have this ugly spot on my keyboard! Any ideas how to get rid of it?