@ghost-of-a-duke saidYou took that seriously 2.5 years ago
Stallone once told me the trick was to go 'over the top.'
Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs in my humble opinion.
When I say gooster can't fight it isn't an insult it is something he himself has said in the past that he wasn't a fighter and wasn't in any fights, then changed it to one fight in grade school I believe it was. With his mouth I'd take up Martial Arts. 🙂 😛
@fmf saidNo.
When you say me, you mean the way I have pushed back against your comments about non-white Canadians?
My thesis about you would encompass all that is you.
It's the only way someone like me could possibly be admitted to the Ghost Chamber.
You are one of the enemies after all.
@very-rusty saidWhat? How? Dive won?
Hey Gooster,
17 Feb '23 18:09
Tournament Win
Congratulations! You won tournament 2023 January Ghost Chamber 48.
It may never happen again but I was proud of that one! 🙂