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"An Endangered Species?"


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The post that was quoted here has been removed
Originally posted by Duchess64
"The original post does endorse a culture of 'placing ladies upon pedestals'..."

Any particular paragraph(s)?

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby (OP)
Manners for Boys: "Gentlemen" - An Endangered Species?
"10 Simple Steps to Raising a New Generation of Gentlemen!"

"One of the nicest compliments a parent can receive is, "Your son is such a gentleman!" It seems, however, that in our modern culture of media, athletics, politics, schools, and at the local grocery store, there seems to be fewer and fewer "Gentlemen" to be found.

But there is hope for this latest addition to the "endangered species" list. Despite the tiny vocal minority of angry women who yelled at men who tried to act like gentlemen during the 70's and these past few decades, there has been a renewed realization that in order for civility to survive and thrive in our nation, we must be intentional about being courteous and kind.

Simple courtesies may seem trivial and old-fashioned, but they are foundational in a civil society. Courtesies don't cost a penny, but they are priceless ways of showing respect and making others feel special and valued in what has become a selfish and self-centered culture. It has been said that "manners are the oil that lubricate society" - everything just works smoother!

All males are men, but not all men are gentlemen. Even though men and women are created equal, we are obviously different - with different roles and responsibilities, and by acting like a gentleman, boys, teens and men can show honour and respect to women.

As parents, we need to both model and teach our boys how to be a gentleman. It won't happen accidentally - we need to be intentional in teaching these foundational principles of character.

Character training starts at home. Our homes need to be our nation's "boot camp for character," as we prepare our children for life. Manners are both "caught" and "taught" as children observe mom and dad showing courtesy and expressing thankfulness to each other.

As mothers, we need to slow down and allow our husband to pull out your chair for us at dinner and wait a few extra seconds for him to walk around the car and get the door. Our sons are watching. It is often said that "the way a boy treats his mother is the way that he'll treat his wife." Let's prepare our boys to be men. Real men.

Here are 10 practical reminders to help us raise "gentlemen" in our families through their respectful attitudes, words and actions!

1. Gentlemen have respectful attitudes which lead to respectful actions and words. They greet people with a smile, nod or "hello" as they pass people. Their attitude is one of putting others first - based on The Golden Rule... to treat others the way they would like to be treated.

2. Gentlemen use respectful words: "Please" "Thank You" "You're Welcome" and "Excuse Me." Instead of "What?" and "Huh?" they say "Pardon me?" They say "Yes Ma'am" and "No Sir" respectfully. They never use cursing or cussing words. Gentlemen also have the courage to use difficult words like, "I'm Sorry" "I made a mistake" and "Will You Forgive Me?"

3. Gentlemen open doors for Ladies and allow them to pass through first, saying, "After you!" All children open the door for their elders.

4. Gentlemen walk a Lady to the car and open the car door for her.

5. A Gentleman offers his seat to a Lady. Gentlemen should offer their seat to their elders or pregnant women in crowded buses or waiting rooms. Never be seated until your mother is seated. (I was humbled and thrilled to find out that the distinguished, elderly gentleman who had offered me his seat one day in Seattle for basketball's "Final Four" tournament was the legendary UCLA Basketball Coach, John Wooden!)

6. A Gentleman helps a Lady put on her coat or sweater. He also offers to help carry heavy packages for a lady. Children offer to carry the bags for their mothers. If the lady drops something, the gentleman will pick it up for her.

7. Gentlemen stand when a Lady enters the room or when he is introduced to someone.

8. Gentlemen seat a Lady at the dinner table before they seat themselves. They rise when ladies excuse themselves and when they return. The gentleman takes care of the lady to his right.

9. The Gentleman protects a Lady from danger. He walks on the curb side of the road as a courtesy of protection and to keep the lady from getting splashed by puddles. He also stands behind a lady on an escalator going up; and in front of her going down to protect her from falling. He walks down a dark theatre aisle first and the lady will follow.

10. A Gentleman will never EVER hit or hurt a Lady. A boy must never hit or hurt a girl, but rather use his strength to protect a girl.

So next time someone says, "Your son is such a gentleman!" be encouraged knowing that you have given your child a precious gift for life - the attitude, words and actions of respect."

"Judi Vankevich, best known as "Judi The Manners Lady," has a passion to inspire excellence in character and manners in this generation and to strengthen families through her exciting, interactive concerts at schools and churches across the country and at teacher and parent training seminars. Judi has been featured on CBS This Morning, Canada AM, Focus on the Family, and The Boston Globe. She is the author of Manners Are Cool and is a recording artist of the award-winning CD, "It's Fun to Have Good Manners!" Her "Manners Club Kit" is a character-based curriculum used in public and Christian schools, churches and home schools across the US and Canada and in Europe, Africa and Asia. Parents, schools and churches can host their own "Manners Club" using the Manners Club Kit! (Includes book, materials and music!)"


Well, Gentlemen of Red Hot Pawn, how do we and our sons and grandsons measure up against these "10 Simple Steps to Raising a New Generation of Gentlemen!" from Judi Vankevich in a "selfish and self-centered culture" or are they sexist?

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Originally posted by Duchess64
"The original post does endorse a culture of 'placing ladies upon pedestals'..."

Any particular paragraph(s)?

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby (OP)
[b]Manners for Boys: "Gentlemen" - An Endangered Species?

"10 Simple Steps to Raising a New Generation of Gentlemen!"

[i]"One of the nicest co ...[text shortened]... of Gentlemen!" from Judi Vankevich in a "selfish and self-centered culture" or are they sexist?[/b]
I used to be the guy that opens doors gives up my seat on trains but there are so many slappers tarts & bitches I don't bother any more.


Best and worst countries for women June 14, 2012 Acharya S/D.M. Murdock
(According to Newsweek magazine, out of 165 countries.)

"No. 165 is Chad, in Central Africa. Iceland (#1) gets a 100 rating overall, and the U.S. (#8) receives an 89.89, while Chad gets a 0. Israel is #51 on the list, with a 78 rating, not far above Mexico (53) with a 77.5. At no. 27 and a 83.8 rating, Greece surpasses its neighbors Italy (59/76.1) and Turkey (114/56.2).

No surprise that Yemen has a 0 rating in the politics department, while the Solomon Islands rates a 0 in the justice category. Finland rates 100 in politics, whereas Saudi Arabia receives a 5. China has a 100 rating in education, while Armenia has a 99.3 in education. What drags these and other nations down is the lack of women in politics. As we can imagine, Afghanistan gets only 41.1 in education, beating Pakistan’s 34 education rating, while Chad has a 0.

Top 20 Best Countries for Women Worldwide

1. Iceland
2. Sweden
3. Canada
4. Denmark
5. Finland
6. Switzerland
7. Norway
8. United States of America
9. Australia
10. Netherlands
11. New Zealand
12. France
13. Luxembourg
14. Portugal
15. Macedonia
16. Moldova
17. Philippines
18. Belgium
19. United Kingdom
20. Romania

Prominent Muslim-Dominant Country Rankings

81. Malaysia
82. Brunei
83. Indonesia
92. Maldives
97. Qatar
101. Kuwait
102. Bahrain
109. United Arab Emirates
110. Jordan
114. Turkey
115. Algeria
120. Egypt
121. Lebanon
123. Oman
124. Morocco
125. Iran
130. Syria
132. Libya
139. Bangladesh
147. Saudi Arabia
158. Pakistan
161. Mali
163. Yemen
164. Afghanistan

Source and full list: Updated: December 9, 2013 — 6:03 am"


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Originally posted by redbadger
I used to be the guy that opens doors gives up my seat on trains but there are so many slappers tarts & bitches I don't bother any more.

And who defined them as such?

Yes. You.

If you don't wanna be bothered by common courtesy, just say so. Don't blame it on women.

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Originally posted by Suzianne

And who defined them as such?

Yes. You.

If you don't wanna be bothered by common courtesy, just say so. Don't blame it on women.
you obviously move in different circles but where I live there are very few true ladies if you go into Middlesbrough/Newcastle/sunderland town centers any night of the week you would understand its the ladete culture young women hardly wearing enough to cover their modesty drunk swearing fighting puking not 10 or 100 but thousands of them with no manners no self esteem nothing.that is not my fault or problem I brought my daughter up to know right and wrong she has 3 daughters now and is making sure they know the right way.

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The post that was quoted here has been removed
Originally posted by Duchess64
"It's hypocritical for Christians to act as though only Muslims are misogynists.
I would submit that misogyny seems common in quite diverse cultures."

Welcome to Freethought Nation! September 15, 2009

"Greetings and salutations. We at Freethought Nation are pleased to announce our newly redone site, which has been designed to create what we hope will become a global hub for freethinkers, atheists, agnostics, secularists and humanists, as well as aficionados of history, religion, mythology, mythicism, astrotheology, archaeoastronomy, nutrition, environmental issues and assorted other fascinating subjects.

At Freethought Nation we have a forum where just about anyone can participate, as well as guest writers. If you would like to contribute to FTN, please feel free to join the forum.

Thanks for joining Freethought Nation!

D.M. Murdock aka Acharya S" acharya_s@yahoo.com Updated: December 20, 2013 — 4:48 am


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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Welcome to Freethought Nation! September 15, 2009

"Greetings and salutations. We at Freethought Nation are pleased to announce our newly redone site, which has been designed to create what we hope will become [i]a global hub for freethinkers, atheists, agnostics, secularists and humanists, as well as aficionados of history, religion, mythology, myth Updated: December 20, 2013 — 4:48 am

Did you paste the wrong thing GB?
Duchess64 had a point about religion and in reply you post a five year old salutation from a "newly redone" site.

I think you need to either:
1) up
2) stop entirely
the meds you're taking.

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Originally posted by orangutan
Did you paste the wrong thing GB?
Duchess64 had a point about religion and in reply you post a five year old salutation from a "newly redone" site.

I think you need to either:
1) up
2) stop entirely
the meds you're taking.
"D.M. Murdock aka Acharya S" acharya_s@yahoo.com Updated: December 20, 2013 — 4:48 am"

Edit Note: "19. United Kingdom"


Originally posted by orangutan
Did you paste the wrong thing GB?
Duchess64 had a point about religion and in reply you post a five year old salutation from a "newly redone" site.

I think you need to either:
1) up
2) stop entirely
the meds you're taking.
I think he should increase the blue ones and cut back on the white ones.

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
"D.M. Murdock aka Acharya S" acharya_s@yahoo.com Updated: December 20, 2013 — 4:48 am"

Edit Note: "19. United Kingdom"

Another non-sequitar answer?

You might not realise this, but the intertubes cannot hear your internal monologue. What relevance to the statement that Duchess64 posted do either of your comments have ... I'm not really getting the connection.

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Originally posted by HandyAndy
I think he should increase the blue ones and cut back on the white ones.
I think I need to find a Doc who'll give me those meds. It might make reading the forums here (or the internet at large) much more bearable.


Originally posted by redbadger
you obviously move in different circles but where I live there are very few true ladies if you go into Middlesbrough/Newcastle/sunderland town centers any night of the week you would understand its the ladete culture young women hardly wearing enough to cover their modesty drunk swearing fighting puking not 10 or 100 but thousands of them with no manners n ...[text shortened]... r up to know right and wrong she has 3 daughters now and is making sure they know the right way.
Yeah, well, as I said in my first post in this thread, there might be more "ladies" around if there were more "gentlemen" around.

But I, too, weep for my less refined sisters. Youth seems wasted on the young, any more. But my point is that this nasty attitude by some young adults also extends to the young men.


Originally posted by Suzianne
Yeah, well, as I said in my first post in this thread, there might be more "ladies" around if there were more "gentlemen" around.

But I, too, weep for my less refined sisters. Youth seems wasted on the young, any more. But my point is that this nasty attitude by some young adults also extends to the young men.
Well, said, Suzi.

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