Originally posted by royalchickenSo you are saying not to waste time looking for parts two and three? Ok, thanks. Have you noticed that Mel isn't as funny after the first 10 movies? Sort of a pattern there that gets old? Maybe it's me.
Funny thing is, contrary to the title, there is no "those" 😲
"The servant waits while the master baits."
No rhetoric there I suppose.
Originally posted by royalchicken"The Producers" was the first of his i saw. I thought it was good. And "Young Frankie". But the rest are so so at best.
I just don't think he's that funny in general. But occasionally.
Got tickets for "The Producers" sept. 28 in los angeles. We gunna be a good time havin'.
Originally posted by StarValleyWyYoung Frankenstien really does kick ass. Enjoy those productive types 🙂
"The Producers" was the first of his i saw. I thought it was good. And "Young Frankie". But the rest are so so at best.
Got tickets for "The Producers" sept. 28 in los angeles. We gunna be a good time havin'.
Originally posted by StarValleyWyBy no means should the government pander to the electorate. People on average are pretty stupid and what they want is usually not what will give them, their children, and their children's children the greatest total happiness.
Hey Dan, Welcome and glad you are jumping in...
Do you really think that a government that panders to the electorate is the best form? I have in mind a government that does just the opposite. This comes from being a parent and seeing the misery of childern of parents who cave in to the every want of the child. We view government as a "rich uncle" too much, i think.
Originally posted by iamatiger...or their children's children's children, or their children's children's children's children...
By no means should the government pander to the electorate. People on average are pretty stupid and what they want is usually not what will give them, their children, and their children's children the greatest total happiness.
Reminds me of the scene from Life of Brian. 😀
Todays military is all "volunteer". I prefer not to use euphamisms. They are "Mercenaries".StarValley, please expound on your ideations that Americans in uniform are mercenaries. I suppose you think Special Forces soldiers in Afghanistan hunting for that piece of shit bin-Laden so he doesn't blow up your city next are "mercenaries". I suppose you think the sailors on the USS Cole who were blown to pieces by bin-shithead are "mercenaries". How about the soldiers and Marines who destroyed the Taliban so maybe you, Royal Chicken and all the Free Thinkers can debate about the non-virtues of "serving" ones country. How about me as a U.S. Coast Guardsman...am I a "mercenary"...my ID card says Armed Forces of the United States...I think you need to look up the word "mercenary" so next time you don't use it in such an insulting manner...Semper Paratus
Originally posted by chancremechanicI don't know if you are serious or not, but there is a long history of the honor of battle. "Mercenary" is a term that soldiers from ancient times have held in honor. It means you fight for money with honor. That is not a bad thing. It is about as good as a warrior can ask for. All it means is that you "volunteer" to become a professional soldier. You are "paid" for being the best professional warrior that you can be.
StarValley, please expound on your ideations that Americans in uniform are mercenaries. I suppose you think Special Forces soldiers in Afghanistan hunting for that piece of shit bin-Laden so he doesn't blow up your city next are ime you don't use it in such an insulting manner...Semper Paratus
The minute you cash your first pay check as a warrior, you are a mercenary. Doesn't that have a nice ring to it. I see nothing dishonorable about that. If you do, then maybe study up on what a soldier is. He is a warrior in the pay of his nation. A draftee is not so honorable. He is not a willing mercenary. He is "conscript", or "Used against his will".
A euphemism is a "misdirection" of speech to deminish or belittle the subject of the sentence. "body count" means what? Corpses. I hate politicallly correct crap. A corpse is a corpse. "Body Count" should be "Number of Corpses". "All Volunteer" or "Mercenary"? The minute you cash the paycheck the euphemism dies. Honorably, if you are a good warrior.
And please feel free to check on the meaning of "mercenary". If you have a problem with being one... donate your pay to charity. I think you are in an honorable profession. I tried to become an officer in the US army and failed because of a stupid skin condition. I honor all who are fighting for my freedom. I thank them for it and support them in every way I can.
AS per Random House College Dictionary:
Mercenary: 1. Working or acting "merely" for money or other reward.
2. Fighting for a cause "soley" for pay or remuneration
3. Professional soldier serving in a "foreign" army soley for pay or remuneration.
4.any hireling
The closest your definition comes to in this case is "hireling", and frankly, that doesn't cut it! I didn't "hire" on, and I haven't met a military veteran yet who referred to himself as a "hire"
And we ain't talking "ancient" warfare here; we're talking 21st century terrorist ass kicking...not Ghengis Khan...if you want to call any military organization "mercenaries", then refer to the French Foreign Legion, not the soldiers, airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen serving in Iraq and Afghanistan...Semper Paratus, mate
Originally posted by chancremechanicSomething very rare. I was wrong. I apologize. I should have read a modern dictionary before spouting off. You are right. I read way too many history books on war, in which the politically correct definition of todays dictionary is unheard of. Sorry. Hows that? Can we agree that to be a "professional warrior" sounds much better than to be called a "volunteer"? That was what I meant from the get go.
AS per Random House College Dictionary:
Mercenary: 1. Working or acting "merely" for money or other reward.
2. Fighting for a cause "soley" for pay or remuneration
3. Professional soldier serving in a "foreign" army soley for pay or remuneration.
4.any hireling
The closest your definition comes to in this case is "hireling", and frankly ...[text shortened]... iers, airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen serving in Iraq and Afghanistan...Semper Paratus, mate
Mike, you're not wrong. chancremechanic used the definition involving "mercenary" as an adjective. Definition number 4 has no negative connotatyion at all.
Note to chancremechanic: It seems Osama bin Laden is someone who represents the problems we have when a very angry and very capable megalomaniac, with no worthwhile means of legitimate expression, gets hold of a lot of money and some unthinking followers.
Calling someone a "shithead", no matter how bad they are, indicates that you have not put sufficient effort into your post to express a coherent opinion.
Originally posted by royalchickenYea, but in the context of his conversation to me, i was wrong. I find no shame in admitting when i screw up. Technicallity kills more cats and friendships than curiosity ever did.
Mike, you're not wrong. chancremechanic used the definition involving "mercenary" as an adjective. Definition number 4 has no negative connotatyion at all.
chancremechanic thought i was attacking the Military. I was not. It is my duty to do what is necessary to make sure we understand each other. Pride has no place in a world filled with doubt. < another famous old saying i just made up >