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Any other quitters out there?

Any other quitters out there?


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Originally posted by ivanhoe

Does the food allready taste better ?
I haven't noticed a huge difference in taste of food yet, but my breathing has certainly improved massively...I've also noticed that beer has been tasting horrible! Perhaps I'd just been deluded these last 10 years about the taste of beer? πŸ™„

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I've cut down to the point where I only have one or two cheaters a day , but that's better than the 2 packs a day I had going last year (for 23 years) . Sometimes I can go three days with nothing , and no patch either . Then I stress out and give in . The hardest thing - I LIKE SMOKING DAMMIT!!! I'm trying to quit because I know I should , not because I don't want to smoke any more .
Does it make things taste different ? - Yes , my coffee tastes like it's been made with radishes . Swear to god , it tastes like someone dumped em' in the basket before brewing . I hate radishes . So it's like I've lost both the smokey treats and the joe .

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I smoked for like 15 years and quit pretty much cold turkey for about 3 years now. I say "pretty much" because maybe one every 1-2 months, I might have a cigar either playing poker or just hanging out with a friend.

I guess I was lucky in the sense that I don't think I have the nicotine addiction but I do miss smoking after a good meal....

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I quit bying chocolate bars in supermarkeds since New Year, and I've lost 2 pounds so far. But it's still itching in my fingers whenever I walk past the candy area :-)

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I quit the cigs about 3 months ago, cold turkey, after 12 years of smoking. Unfortunately I still toke on the herb a little bit.

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Originally posted by Hawaiianhomegrown
Unfortunately I still toke on the herb a little bit.

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Originally posted by Crowley
Oregano's for amateurs. Now thyme, that's where the real stuff is πŸ™‚

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Before people dedicate themselves to the patch, they should try and understand why they smoke, why they want to quit and how much control smoking has over they're life, or any addiction for that matter, fully comprehending our cravings is better than any artificial aid.
Test your will power.
Change the craving from the root.

A reformed herbalist of 15 year, who has just done that.

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I quit smoking 3 times before I finally did it for good(20 yrs ago).My kids,wife and co-workers all tried to get me to quit.I finally did it because I was truly ready to do so.No matter what anybody else says to you it has to be you.All 4 times I did it cold turkey and the last time I announced the last package..the last cigarette and the last puff.Now I can't stand the smell of it I never noticed (while I was smoking just how much it permiates your hair and clothes).Good luck to all who are trying by whatever means.

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Originally posted by kyngj
I quit smoking 9 days and 8 hours ago...thank God for the patch!

Anyone else out there trying to do the same?
Yup, Doing exactly the same. I quit last saturday, and I'm also using the patch, after two previous cold turkey quits let me experience how hell must feel like. I'm not exactly feeling great now, but at least I haven't commited random acts of violence (yet).


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Originally posted by WHY AYE
Before people dedicate themselves to the patch, they should try and understand why they smoke, why they want to quit and how much control smoking has over they're life, or any addiction for that matter, fully comprehending our cravings is better than any artificial aid.
Test your will power.
Change the craving from the root.

A reformed herbalist of 15 year, who has just done that.
I agree. I've quit a couple addictions cold turkey, and if you know why you want to quit it's not that hard to stick to. But if you don't really want to quit then no amount of products is really going to help.

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Originally posted by WHY AYE
Before people dedicate themselves to the patch, they should try and understand why they smoke, why they want to quit and how much control smoking has over they're life, or any addiction for that matter, fully comprehending our cravings is ...[text shortened]... ot.

A reformed herbalist of 15 year, who has just done that.
I don't agree completely. Knowing why you quit is important, and one should really choose to quit, but I think this 'testing of will power' is mainly macho bull. Some people benefit from a cold trukey quit, others from using a patch, still others from following some kind of motivational technique such as Cars. I don't think one method is superior to the other.

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Originally posted by DdV
I don't agree completely. Knowing why you quit is important, and one should really choose to quit, but I think this 'testing of will power' is mainly macho bullshit. Some people benefit from a cold trukey quit, others from using a patch, still others from following some kind of motivational technique such as Cars. I don't think one method is superior to the other.
I absolutely agree with you - choosing to go cold turkey and not accept help is pointless if you're going to fail... If you'll succeed using the patch (chances are 200% greater) then why not use it?

Nearly 11 days and it's getting easier, slowly!

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I quit (again) last night. Any bets on how long I can last? Lets say it was at midnight for sake of simplicity, then that is nearly 14 hours already. Any takers?

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Originally posted by Corsair
I quit (again) last night. Any bets on how long I can last? Lets say it was at midnight for sake of simplicity, then that is nearly 14 hours already. Any takers?
For some inexplicable reason I feel you are doomed. πŸ™

Not only that, but you will take up smoking with a new zeal to purge yourself from foolish attempts to recommence decommencing. 40 a day here you come πŸ˜›

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