Originally posted by NordlysI had a dream I had a cello, and when I woke up it was gone! I never even had time to get a case for it.
As a child I once had a nightmare, and while I was dreaming, I suddenly thought "well, this is just a dream, so I only need to wake up and everything will be fine". So I woke up in my room, and everything was as usual, only that there was that empty cello case (part of the nightmare had been that I was somewhere in the city and had had my cello with me, but ...[text shortened]... case was left). That was when it got really scary. Luckily I later woke up once again.
Originally posted by PhlabibitI once had a dream where you were singing a song about wanting a cello from me, and I made a cello part for it, and in the end of the song you were asking if you'd ever get your cello, and I sang "never". Very strange dream.
I had a dream I had a cello, and when I woke up it was gone! I never even had time to get a case for it.
Originally posted by NordlysI had a dream I was singing a song about you trolling me!
I once had a dream where you were singing a song about wanting a cello from me, and I made a cello part for it, and in the end of the song you were asking if you'd ever get your cello, and I sang "never". Very strange dream.
Originally posted by PhlabibitCan you be sure you dream in colour? I can only remember colour in the important bits - ie - the blood, - the rest is black and white - and sounds are the same - I hear screams, crys etc - but people saying things I don`t actually hear them, I just know what they said. What about you? The worst kind of dream is when I dreamed I cleaned the whole house, and woke exhausted, only to find it was a dream!
With a teapot, to eerie cello music is my guess.
Anyone have strange music in their dreams and roll credits at the end?
Originally posted by UnicornI doubt you actually hear music or sounds. I once dreamed I created the greatest song of all times. I remember a cheering crowd, newspapers stating my triumph, even giving a concert... but the song itself was lost when I woke up.
Can you be sure you dream in colour? I can only remember colour in the important bits - ie - the blood, - the rest is black and white - and sounds are the same - I hear screams, crys etc - but people saying things I don`t actually hear them, I just know what they said. What about you? The worst kind of dream is when I dreamed I cleaned the whole house, and woke exhausted, only to find it was a dream!
Originally posted by NordlysWhen you close your eyes and go to sleep
Yes! How did you know? Were you that person in the background who looked at the scene and made a song about it afterwards?
And it's down to the sound of a heartbeat
I can hear the things that you're dreaming about
When you open up your heart and the truth comes out
Originally posted by Duke of BrabantTalking of lost when you wake - I dreamed I found a way around paying VAT - but could not remember the details when I woke ;-(
I doubt you actually hear music or sounds. I once dreamed I created the greatest song of all times. I remember a cheering crowd, newspapers stating my triumph, even giving a concert... but the song itself was lost when I woke up.
Originally posted by UnicornThe good things are always lost in the end... I had a similar dream about writing the greatest book of all times. J.R.R. Tolkien admitted he was jealous to me in a private conversation. It was the best plot ever conceived. But it was all gone when I opened my eyes... not even a hint left. I expect these kind of details don't actually play a role in the dream itself. It's just a given you start with 🙂.
Talking of lost when you wake - I dreamed I found a way around paying VAT - but could not remember the details when I woke ;-(
Originally posted by Duke of BrabantI definitely "hear" music and sounds in my dreams. I always forget the music I compose in my dreams, too (just like the great inventions or philosophical thoughts tend to be gone), but if I dream of music I know, I can often remember it (it has also happened that I have actually heard music - my neighbour was practising the viola - while I was sleeping, and I was dreaming about that music and remembering it when I woke up). And at a chamber music seminar where I shared the room with a violinist, she told me one morning that I had said loudly "But this is not an f sharp!", and apparently I had been singing, too.
I doubt you actually hear music or sounds. I once dreamed I created the greatest song of all times. I remember a cheering crowd, newspapers stating my triumph, even giving a concert... but the song itself was lost when I woke up.