The post that was quoted here has been removedepisiotomy sounds like an operation of sorts, at least the "tomy" part does...
E.g., "hysterectomy", "tonsilectomy", "lobotomy", etc., so wtf is episiotomy?
Assuming one does not have a "partner", or one has a "partner" who is also clueless, can we be enlightened on just wtf it is?
btw, sorry to ask if you had always been a woman, it was just an attempt at humor. In this day and age, with some fruits having sex changes, when someone states they are female, it is just in some peoples nature to ask about such things - inquiring minds want to know
The post that was quoted here has been removedWell, I am in the 99% of grown men that never heard of that operation. Sounds positively gruesome and painful. There are lots of other bodily areas I would prefer to be cut than the privates. Just the thought of Willy Johnson being cut makes me cringe. Women that have that performed, are they carrying the child of some giant?