Originally posted by heldenActually after the concert I picked up his Reality album and I really enjoyed it. I want to pick up his catalogue But that takes time and money.Loved him in Labyrinth.
Yes, my wife and I have seen David Bowie 3 times and he was brilliant, you should buy some of his albums. Mind you have to listen to them a few times before you realise that they are really great. Suggestions, are:- Hunky Dory, Ziggy Stardust, Station to Station, Young Americans, Heroes, my personal favourite is Station to station, when i first got it I thought it wasn't up to much, a few plays latter and i totally changed my mind.
Originally posted by heldendon't forget Low and Scary Monsters!
Yes, my wife and I have seen David Bowie 3 times and he was brilliant, you should buy some of his albums. Mind you have to listen to them a few times before you realise that they are really great. Suggestions, are:- Hunky Dory, Ziggy Stardust, Station to Station, Young Americans, Heroes, my personal favourite is Station to station, when i first got it I thought it wasn't up to much, a few plays latter and i totally changed my mind.
i saw Bowie's Serious Moonlight (from a vast distance in a stadium) and Glass Spider (much smaller venue) shows, but missed Reality unfortunately. i've seen Sonic Youth a couple of times and while they were great, i was already familiar with their music, so it wasn't such a life changing event for me. best concert was Iggy Pop - seen him three times but the first was the best - i was at the very front and it was a totally intense draining but wonderful experience. the second time, he told the crowd right at the start 'at any given moment, there's someone i hate, and right now it's you', before starting Down on the Street...great stuff...
Saw Roger water live in JHB was awesome (big pink floyd fan). Saw Tori Amos in New Yorl for the scarlett walk tour, outstanding! But the best i`ve seen so far has to be Nick Cave in London for the abbatoir blues release! He has an fantastic stage presence and he did 2 encores!
Band i`ve also seen are skunk anansi, U2, Avril Lavigne, in flames.
Best one I ever saw was Martin Scorsese recording the last Band
concert with a movie titled "The Last Waltz" Great stuff from
Dr John, Dylan, Joni Mitchell, Neil Diamond, the Band, Robbie Basho,
etc. Great stuff.
Also have a recording of one of the few Carly Simon concert, one
on a pier stage, small venue but she was great in it.
Also have a recording of a concert by Bob Dylan when he was about
20 or so, done on some Canadian Public broadcast station.
Interesting from a historical perspective, slightly differant words to
his early songs like Girl from the North Country, Hard rains a'gonna
fall and the like. Black and white with some kind of coffeehouse
setting, very early sixties.
One recording I have (wish I had been to all of the above!)
is a very early live acoustic concert by Joni Mitchell and James Taylor,
they sang their early songs but with only guitars and a dulcimer.
Very personable concert-they were both so young...