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Best sitcom


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While the Simpon's clearly has been the king, it has lost a little of it's edge. The Family Guy was also stellar, funny that the best stuff on t.v. is animated. So what next? The Chappelle Show and South Park are both hilarious, that's for sure. But, you know, they're on Comedy Central. Is there anything else out there besides reality crap?

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Seinfeld....hands down! Kramer is the man! And George is crazy too.

Classic Seinfeld episode: The Bet

I'm not into those reality shows. They're garbage. The Bachelor...*shaking head*. If these broads REALLY think they are about to find love just like that, something is wrong with them. Or what about that new nanny show? If you need some chick to come in, and CONTROL your kids because you can't do it.....*shaking head while LMAO*.

The Great One has spoken.

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Originally posted by CliffLandin
While the Simpon's clearly has been the king, it has lost a little of it's edge. The Family Guy was also stellar, funny that the best stuff on t.v. is animated. So what next? The Chappelle Show and South Park are both hilarious, that's for sure. But, you know, they're on Comedy Central. Is there anything else out there besides reality crap?
Clearly disagree with "the Simpsons". It was a good show in its day but that day has been gone long time ago. Chapelle and South Park are still pretty good. Used to like the Sopranos but they have gone a bit lame too. But the common opinion by most is "Seinfeld" which I have maybe seen 3 episodes of in my entire life.

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Seinfeld by far.

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I'm a big fan of both Scrubs and Arrested Development. Those are actually the only two shows I go out oof my way to watch. You gotta love the fact that there's no laugh track. Arrested Development in particular is heinous and evil...I can't recall another network TV show that is so consistently twisted.

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Seinfeld. Obviously.

Although 'the office', blackadder (2,3, and 4), filthy rich and catflap, Married with children (the last 2 seasons), the Simpsons and South Park are all great contenders.

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Seinfeld. Yep.
I agree with Scrubs.
But the Family Guy is just awesome! I love that show!

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I'm sorry I just don't get it. I've watched countless episodes of Seinfeld in my time, at first through curiousity, then by force (housemates), then in a vain attempt to prove myself wrong. Having done all of this, I can honestly say IMO Seinfeld sucks. It not only sucks, it is quite possibly one of the worst, vomit inducing, groan making, squirm in your seat, bad joke-tastic, load of b@lls I have ever had the misfortune to have to waste my life upon. How it has won awards, endured a long and fruitful reign and encourages endless repeats on British televsion is utterly beyond reason. It's trash, it's not funny, there's more slapstick than keystone cops, the characters are formulaic and the scripts are as interesting as watching paint dry. Please, somebody out there either explain what I am missing, or at least let me know I'm not alone, I can't stand the idea of being the only person who doesn't get it. 😞

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simsons and south park are cartoons, not sit coms, but the best? hancocks half hour very dated yes but like spike milligan some of todays comedy comes from there disturbed minds.

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no youre not alone mate.

i too have found this "award winning amazingly funny" comedy to be utter tripe.

as for my vote for the best ever sitcom fawlty towers is tops for me

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Fawlty Towers.
Sort, sharp and perfect. Went out on a high while most sitcoms keep going long after the game is up.

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Originally posted by stoker
simsons and south park are cartoons, not sit coms, but the best? hancocks half hour very dated yes but like spike milligan some of todays comedy comes from there disturbed minds.
Sitcom stands for Situation Comedy. It is a comedy where the characters are put into an uncomfortable situation that leads to comic hilarity. The Simpsons and Family Guy are in fact, SitComs and more often than not, are more funny than their real life counter-parts.

And as for Seinfeld, yes the show is hilarious, but if there is an episode that I haven't seen, especially the first six season, I'm not aware of it. I was an addict for quite a while, but they lost a little something towards the end.

Arrested Developement is another hit for Fox. I've seen a few episodes, but really paid attention to the last one and I think that for a show that actually has actors, this could be the best.

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Originally posted by pendejo
no youre not alone mate.

i too have found this "award winning amazingly funny" comedy to be utter tripe.

as for my vote for the best ever sitcom fawlty towers is tops for me
I'll agree with you on the Fawlty Towers, but as for the Simpsons being utter tripe, well that's either a cultural or generational gap. Only guessing here, and no offense intended, but I would guess that you are well into your forties or perhaps fifties? If not, then maybe it's just a cultural things, how do other Scots feel about the Simpson? And as for South Park, it is a bit crude, but who doesn't like a good fart joke?

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Originally posted by CliffLandin
[b]Sitcom stands for Situation Comedy. It is a comedy where the characters are put into an uncomfortable situation that leads to comic hilarity. The Simpsons and Family Guy are in fact, SitComs and more often than not, are more funny than their real life counter-parts.

yes i did know the term but tom and jerry were put into comical situations, mickey mouse, and company also, and betty boop are they sit coms ?

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Originally posted by CliffLandin
I'll agree with you on the Fawlty Towers, but as for the Simpsons being utter tripe, well that's either a cultural or generational gap. Only guessing here, and no offense intended, but I would guess that you are well into your forties or perhaps fifties? If not, then maybe it's just a cultural things, how do other Scots feel about the Simpson? And as for South Park, it is a bit crude, but who doesn't like a good fart joke?
sorry i meant seinfeld not simpsons.

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