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Jesus to Tom Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.
So He doesn't need to prove Himself to you.

It should say Jesus TOLD Tom not to Tom

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Originally posted by RBHILL
I know it wasn't Christ and you could be lying and making the how thing up, I have be Blessed and I am Blessed, and I know when not to trust Voices and now if you truly were to have seen the real Jesus. Because if you had you would be on my side.

If He is for me who can be against me.

Jesus uses his BELEIVERS to reveal himself.

What on earth are you ...[text shortened]... e for a mission). It will be to late to tell people the Good News of Jesus after the World ends.
I know it wasn't Christ and you could be lying and making the how thing up

I could certainly be doing that as well as you could but I am not.

f you truly were to have seen the real Jesus. Because if you had you would be on my side.

Why? According to what I was told you have totally gotten his message twisted. He said it isn't really your fault because you were taught wrong. He did however say that you were given plenty of opportunity to study his teaching on your own. He was actually saddened because you and a whole lot of others chose to trust their immortal souls to the teaching of liars and charltans (his words not mine).

If He is for me who can be against me.

This really sounds like he is for you? Don't you remember what jesus said?
Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
Matthew 10:34

Jesus uses his BELEIVERS to reveal himself.

See what he was saying? Your putting him in a little box of your own construction and he does not like that. He is jesus not you. Jesus can use anybody he pleases at anytime he pleases.


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Originally posted by Feivel
[b]I know it wasn't Christ and you could be lying and making the how thing up

I could certainly be doing that as well as you could but I am not.

f you truly were to have seen the real Jesus. Because if you had you would be on my side.

Why? According to what I was told you have totally gotten his message twisted. He said it isn't really y ...[text shortened]... ike that. He is jesus not you. Jesus can use anybody he pleases at anytime he pleases.

Look all you have to do is trust in Jesus which I have. Not all roads lead to Heaven. Only Jesus does. I do a lot of reading of the Bible on my own every day, but of Curse I pray for insit that I would get His Wisdom and knowledge not mine. And plus your not a Christian so why would you believe what you see, and you amitted to lying, because you would not have said I could certainly be doing that.

The sword is the Woed of God.

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See what he was saying? Your putting him in a little box of your own construction and he does not like that. He is jesus not you. Jesus can use anybody he pleases at anytime he pleases.

You are right He can use anyonebecause He is God(Christ). A believer though will Give God glory a non-Christian won't.

An God is a God you need to capitalize He when refering to God in the middle of a sentence. And that goes for the word Him as well.

I though you hated my posts so why do you come. And you are a BIG baby if you don't let me and others message you. You have 26 more weeks of study to go. And maybe even when that is done I will probably move it to Wed. Days, but that won't be till 2005.

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Look life is all about Jesus and Worshiping Him and Giving Him Praise for what He has done, but people don't do that.

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Originally posted by RBHILL
You have 26 more weeks of study to go. And maybe even when that is done I will probably move it to Wed. Days, but that won't be till 2005.
You can bet your ass I'll be resubscribing! RHP should put
this in their advertisements! Sundays here are the best,

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Originally posted by RBHILL
I don't feel guilty, I am blessed because He is useing me to spread His Love and Forgiveness. But I have His one Blessing(His death on the Cross that's all I need. Praise God for Loving me a Sinner and Sending His son to Die in my place. I feel guilty that I am a Sinner and sometimes do things on my own and not with the HELP of Jesus. But everytime I post this I pray first before everything(Eating, Driving, Reading my Bible, School etc).
I don't feel guilty, I am blessed because He is useing me to spread His Love and Forgiveness.

Nope. What you are spreading is lies and discord.

But everytime I post this I pray first before everything(Eating, Driving, Reading my Bible, School etc).

Do you remeber what jesus said about praying? Let me remind you what he said in Matthew 6:5-6

And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. 6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly

In other words do not tell otherwise you make a "show" of it. No wonder jesus was so pissed at the ineffective teaching of the church.


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An God is a God you need to capitalize He when refering to God in the middle of a sentence. And that goes for the word Him as well.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!! ive been following this out of pure curiosity. holy crap you actually corrected someone for a grammatical error!

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Originally posted by usmc7257
ROTFLMAO!!!!!! ive been following this out of pure curiosity. holy crap you actually corrected someone for a grammatical error!
The irony is mindblowing. Well spotted 😀!

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Originally posted by usmc7257
ROTFLMAO!!!!!! ive been following this out of pure curiosity. holy crap you actually corrected someone for a grammatical error!
See you lied you sinned you said you were Boycotting my posts.

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Originally posted by usmc7257
ROTFLMAO!!!!!! ive been following this out of pure curiosity. holy crap you actually corrected someone for a grammatical error!
I could care less if you did because these are for Bible Believers for there Bible study this is not for Debating.

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Originally posted by RBHILL
See you lied you sinned you said you were Boycotting my posts.
incorrect. i asked if anyone would be interested in a boycott. i just decided i would pop in from time to time.

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Originally posted by RBHILL
Look all you have to do is trust in Jesus which I have. Not all roads lead to Heaven. Only Jesus does. I do a lot of reading of the Bible on my own every day, but of Curse I pray for insit that I would get His Wisdom and knowledge not mine. And plus your not a Christian so why would you believe what you see, and you amitted to lying, because you would not have said I could certainly be doing that.

The sword is the Woed of God.
Look all you have to do is trust in Jesus which I have

Is that what he said in Matthew 19:17?

Not all roads lead to Heaven. Only Jesus does.

So why don't you follow him? How many times do you need to hear that he is pissed at you and allot of other deluded believers?

And plus your not a Christian

Of course i'm not nor could i be. Christian referrs to non-Jewish believers.

and you amitted to lying

I did? Where?


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Do you remeber what jesus said about praying? Let me remind you what he said in Matthew 6:5-6

And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. 6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast ...[text shortened]... thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly

See your lying I pray in Silence in my own room.

And they aren't lies because Jesus said He is the way to the Father John 14:6.

Have you put your trust in Jesus alone and not yourself or other do so and start GOING to Church where they put Christ first.

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Originally posted by RBHILL
You are right He can use anyonebecause He is God(Christ). A believer though will Give God glory a non-Christian won't.

An God is a God you need to capitalize He when refering to God in the middle of a sentence. And that goes for the word Him as well.

I though you hated my posts so why do you come. And you are a BIG baby if you don't let me and others ...[text shortened]... maybe even when that is done I will probably move it to Wed. Days, but that won't be till 2005.
He is God(Christ)

That is another thing he is sick of. He is jesus. Christ is not his last name.

An God is a God

Aha the truth comes out...no I see why jesus told me to remind you of the Shema.
Hear O Israel, the lord our god, the lord is one.
Not a god. That is the New Century translation (watchtower) of John 1:1.


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