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Blitz Tournament

Blitz Tournament



@russ said

When this hits RHP it will not be rated initially, but I will record all games, so I can retrospectively apply a starting rating when ratings are introduced.
Good progress Russ...

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@hells-caretaker said
Good progress Russ...
LOL@ h-c, you get no brownie points you know! 😛 🙂

Especially for flipping the page! 🙂



@very-rusty said
LOL@ h-c, you get no brownie points you know! 😛 🙂

Especially for flipping the page! 🙂

Here's a page rough text Rusty - Scriptures and a Douche baggers or something like that: yee seek a dive only 🤔🚬


Here's a page rough text h-c - Scriptures and a Douche baggers or something like that: yee seek a dive only.



Players so far

Hells Caretaker

Will give it a couple more days here then post in the chess forum.



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Come on guys and gals!
This is as close to OTB play as many of us will ever be able to have together.

Clock/time restraints are adjustable. So please do not be dissuaded by the term "Blitz" chess.

This is a great idea!

This is also a grand opportunity to simulate Over-the-Board (OTB) play which, for most of us, has not been possible during this dastardly pandemic.

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@wolfe63 said
Come on guys and gals!
This is as close to OTB play as many of us will ever be able to have together.

Clock/time restraints are adjustable. So please do not be dissuaded by the term "Blitz" chess.

This is a great idea!

This is also a grand opportunity to simulate Over-the-Board (OTB) play which, for most of us, has not been possible during this dastardly pandemic.
Not even close to OTB play wolfy!

Just fun and fast and you see a lot of big upsets from lower rated players who play it all the time, higher rated are use to much slower games which are thought out sometimes for days on here, which can go into months, some have had them going for years!!!

I use the enjoy the Real OTB Games 1 and a half hours for first 30 moves then an 1 hour to finish the game. That was back in the days I use to go to Chess Tournaments.



Hi Trev, cool idea I will take part (hopefully gettig the negotations for a timeslot done 🙂

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Perfect, that's 5, will post it in chess tomorrow to see if we can get another 3 if no one else joins here.


Have you Trolled the Trolls in the debates yet?🚬

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@trev33 said
Perfect, that's 5, will post it in chess tomorrow to see if we can get another 3 if no one else joins here.
There are only three reasons that I think some might not at least "try" a Live-Play Tournament:

#1 - Lack of time. (Understandable)

#2 - Lack of experience. (Understandable)

#3 - Fear (Not understandable) 🤓

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@trev33 said
Perfect, that's 5, will post it in chess tomorrow to see if we can get another 3 if no one else joins here.
Didn't find your thread

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@ponderable said
Didn't find your thread
Sorry, got distracted. Will do it later today. Still open for others to join form here.


@wolfe63 said
There are only three reasons that I think some might not at least "try" a Live-Play Tournament:

#1 - Lack of time. (Understandable)

#2 - Lack of experience. (Understandable)

#3 - Fear (Not understandable) 🤓
That probably isn't going to work with most players wolfy! 😛 🙂


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