Originally posted by wolfgang59A highly educated woman flying around to different parts of the world, and an unexpected expense of £2,600 is enough to potentially cause both her and her boyfriend to become homeless? I've known poor uneducated folk who had enough good sense to put something aside for hard times, but this is ridiculous.
A woman who grew up and studied in Italy, continued her education in
Switzerland and Scotland and who now resides in Scotland is stuck in
Costa Rica because Trump wont allow her on US soil to change flights!
I'm supposed to believe a highly educated world traveler is now impoverished (or at the very least inconvenienced) because of Trump? I'm not buying it. A temporary ban is something he said he will do once he becomes president, so now the loony tune brigade is angry because he's actually doing it... first they're angry because he talks about it, then he's called a liar because they say he won't do it, and now they're angry because he actually did what he said he will do.
By the way, WAKE UP young and inexperienced highly educated world travelers! Use your heads, and try putting something away for a rainy day... you know, so you don't end up living in a cardboard box behind a dumpster.
edit: Some are of the opinion that those who don't live in the US (foreigners) are not fully aware of what is happening here because they don't live here. I understand the sentiment, but this is not true. Foreigners have the same access to all media sources to which I have access. And I have no reason to believe their brains are (on average) any smaller or less intelligent than those living in the US, so that excuse doesn't work either. We have more than our share of dumb*ss tunnel vision jackass braying liberals here who don't seem have a clue, so on average (as a group average) we're really not any smarter than anyone else.
Have a scout around Mr Trumps inauguration courtesy of a CNN gigapixel, you can pick Handy Andy out in the stands wearing his pussy hat. Notice the US ladies choir wearing tartan scarf's in view of Emperor Trumps Scottish heritage.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieHey, this thread was made for you!
Have a scout around Mr Trumps inauguration courtesy of a CNN gigapixel, you can pick Handy Andy out in the stands wearing his pussy hat. Notice the US ladies choir wearing tartan scarf's in view of Emperor Trumps Scottish heritage.
Originally posted by wolfgang59She should just check into the Four Seasons hotel there and chill.
A woman who grew up and studied in Italy, continued her education in
Switzerland and Scotland and who now resides in Scotland is stuck in
Costa Rica because Trump wont allow her on US soil to change flights!
They do all inclusive packages if she is short of money.
Sit back, sip a gin and tonic and watch the wild life.
29 Jan 17
Originally posted by wolfgang59She can't find an alternate route? Costa Rica to Cuba? Costa to Spain, etc.?
A woman who grew up and studied in Italy, continued her education in
Switzerland and Scotland and who now resides in Scotland is stuck in
Costa Rica because Trump wont allow her on US soil to change flights!
Originally posted by KewpieAustralia? If you even go back to the sixties you will find an all white Australian immigration policy. It was without doubt equally as racist as the South African apartheid. How you got away with it I cannot say. Go back to the thirties and you are kicking all kinds of people out.
Putting aside the particular circumstances of this case, there was a valid transit visa in existence which has retrospectively been voided. This is the kind of bad decision-making which destroys governments in my country, and any other place where the rule of law prevails.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieThe biggest pussy around here is you, Roberta. We can always count on you for a dishonest game and a cheap shot.
Have a scout around Mr Trumps inauguration courtesy of a CNN gigapixel, you can pick Handy Andy out in the stands wearing his pussy hat. Notice the US ladies choir wearing tartan scarf's in view of Emperor Trumps Scottish heritage.
Originally posted by wolfgang59An interesting (interesting to us, since none here are actually directly influenced by any of this controversy so we all play armchair quarterback at the professional, Hall of Fame level) corollary to be gleaned from this massive avalanche of exceptions.
A woman who grew up and studied in Italy, continued her education in
Switzerland and Scotland and who now resides in Scotland is stuck in
Costa Rica because Trump wont allow her on US soil to change flights!
A would-you-rather question which each quarterback ought to ask themselves from a legal quasi-philosophical standpoint:
Would you rather no one ever be tried and punished for [fill in the crime most likely to induce your strongest waves of self-righteousness indignation and revenge mode] if it meant even one innocent person was punished for the same?
What, truly, is the cost of freedom, safety and the American way?