@very-rusty saidYet you have your nose all up in my business 24/7/365.25
That Sir, would be none of your business. 😛 🙂
Sod off plonker
@gambrel saidAre you now a spokes person for the Ghost?
Yet you have your nose all up in my business 24/7/365.25
Sod off plonker
I don't have my nose up in your business at all, you want to talk crap, I can talk crap too.
You want to talk sensible and I'll give it a try! 🙂
My Dr. told me to pay no attention to any American butchers. 🙂 😛 Now, I understand why she told me that! 🙂
@very-rusty said@very-rusty said
Are you now a spokes person for the Ghost?
I don't have my nose up in your business at all, you want to talk crap, I can talk crap too.
You want to talk sensible and I'll give it a try! 🙂
My Dr. told me to pay no attention to any American butchers. 🙂 😛 Now, I understand why she told me that! 🙂
senility wasn't mentioned.
Do you have issues going senile?
LOL@ calling me low life. That is too funny! You hardly have 2cents to rub together. 🙂
@gambrel saidYOUR POINT?
@very-rusty said
senility wasn't mentioned.
Do you have issues going senile?
LOL@ calling me low life. That is too funny! You hardly have 2cents to rub together. 🙂
OR was there suppose to be one?
You do understand a hypothetical question when your given one right? IF not sorry, I thought you were smarter than you are.
@gambrel saidWhat a strange thing to say after me calling you from Canada and us talking for a few hours back some years ago, because you said you couldn't afford it. Perhaps you were just too cheap? Lets go with that.
@very-rusty said
senility wasn't mentioned.
Do you have issues going senile?
LOL@ calling me low life. That is too funny! You hardly have 2cents to rub together. 🙂
Lets say for the hell of it I was going senile. How the Hell would I know? 😛 🙂
27 Apr 22
@very-rusty saidOne of the first signs of going senile is imagining you are have long telephone conversations with people.
What a strange thing to say after me calling you from Canada and us talking for a few hours back some years ago, because you said you couldn't afford it. Perhaps you were just too cheap? Lets go with that.
Lets say for the hell of it I was going senile. How the Hell would I know? 😛 🙂
@the-gravedigger saidWell I don't have that sign. 😛 🙂
One of the first signs of going senile is imagining you are have long telephone conversations with people.
Run, run, why, why, art, art made a fart. 🙂
@ponderable saidThat would depend on your age and Russ's age also medical condition. Although I've known a guy in great health finish a workout at Goodlife, walk out the door in parking lot towards his car and drop dead on the way. So we just never know when that time will be.
Anyway the thought is much older...
on my bucket list:
Find a meaningful thread on RHP general Forum, that has not been derailed ... (will it be the site or me to decease first?)