Originally posted by druidraviNo one knows . They usually don't make it past the mid-game before god's lightning bolt of judgement fries them where they sit .
[ Anyone has an idea about how lefties fare in chess??.]
But seriously - Some righties find that they shoot rifles much better left handed than right . But that brings up questions about which is their 'prefered eye' . (That's right , side preference extends to vision as well . Not only that it's sometimes independent of hand preference . So right handers can have left eye preference . It's very easy to check for it btw). I would be interesting to know if left handers have eye preference connected to hand preference .
Originally posted by Brother EdwinRight , you're supposed to shoot with both eyes open , but if you shoot righty you need to make sure you're rt eye dominant . If you shoot lefty you need to be lft eye dominant . If you're not shooting from the side of your prefered eye it screws up your shooting .
I shoot with my right hand, both eyes open.
This is a very interesting topic. I myself have been confused about it for years. I first started to write with my right hand, but then taught myself how to write with my left hand. I did a similar thing with playing snooker, and spinning pens (first right, then left).
I can't kick with my left that well, but it's sufficient-I would say I'm right-footed. I also play the piano which (usually) requires both hands and often the right foot as well.
It gets strange when it comes to eating...I hold a fork in my left, whether or not I'm also holding a knife. I always eat sandwiches and crisps with my left hand, biscuits with my right. And I always hold a drink in my left hand - it feels weird holding it in my right hand!!