30 Oct 16
Either. Resignation by an opponent is an honorable thing to do in a gentleman's game.
I once had an opponent on this site in a game at 21 days per move.
I announced to him mate in 7 moves.
His response ?
Mate in 4 months !! π
And he made me play it out.
Luckily it wasn't a clan game !!
30 Oct 16
-Removed-The question is a little bit narrow because there are other factors. One can win a game not because of ones good play but because of ones opponents poor play, these are never quite satisfactory. Its also the same when one plays a game that one should have lost but ends up winning it by sheer luck. Sometimes losing is even preferable to winning if the game is exciting enough, or instructive in some way. The worst is when the game is so unevenly matched and one side mows the other down effortlessly, this is not what chess is about, yes chess is the epic struggle of logic to culminate in a result, but its how that result is achieved that holds the fascination. Sometimes players will let their opponent play out a mate even though they know the outcome because it is a thing of beauty.
Originally posted by mghrn55I'd let my opponent finish me if there's a checkmate combination (however, I won't make it a 4 month wait). I expect that if you're expecting a forced checkmate then play it through. If it's not forced and you can see it playing on for another 10+ moves then I resign. I've had it where people resign with checkmate next move which I find a little annoying. I've resigned previously when I thought someone was taking the piss, it was a forced mate in 2/3 moves and he didn't play it. Resigned and messaged player asking why he didn't checkmate me. It seems like it was genuine mistake rather than just messing about.
Either. Resignation by an opponent is an honorable thing to do in a gentleman's game.
I once had an opponent on this site in a game at 21 days per move.
I announced to him mate in 7 moves.
His response ?
Mate in 4 months !! π
And he made me play it out.
Luckily it wasn't a clan game !!
If I am losing considerably (i.e. pieces down and no position for compensation) then I resign if I feel I can't get compensation.