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Chess Openings Theory

Chess Openings Theory



12 May 01
19 Jan 02
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Hi there Cervenakovas..!

I can give you a few tips if you are a beginner in chess. Look for an
opening you like and learn most variations in this opening one for
white and one for black. Then play safe "build your position"wait for
your opponent to trip himself that is one heck of a good strategy if
you ask me. If neither side makes a misstake in chess it´s a draw,
think about that for a moment. When I started to play chess I wanted
to make elegant? moves and attack my opponent at an early stage
a´la Morphy but I often found my self in BIG trouble, and mostly
ended up with a lost game. Then.. I started to think about my own
game and my playingstyle. I looked at my openingsreportoar and
found that I could many openings but in depth I knew them very
poorly. I started to learn a few openings very well... not going to tell
here who they are though 🙂. And here I am waiting for the others to
make a misstake and then end up as a winner of the game. But
sometimes of course my Morphy-soul get´s the upperhand on me
occasionaly and I end up loosing or maybe just maybe I´m able to
win in this manner nowadays, just because I´m now is that much
more experienced.

I say it again.. chess in the beginning is to try to minimize the
amount of misstakes you do. And that goes specially for your early
openingmoves, experienced players will just wait you out and then go
in for the kill, usually a pawn is enough if it´s not saccrificed for play
by a very good player.

Good Luck in YOUR search for the holy Graal.

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