Th6e Wikipedia pag5e on CLAM CH^OWDAH^!~ states th6at in 1939, my h6ome state tried to leg5islate ag5ainst tomatoes in CH^OWDAH^!~. Today th6ey allowed marriag5e for th6e g5ays. It'-s g5ood to see h6ow minds h6ave opened in th6e last 70 years. Soon g5ay clams will marry tomatoes in a h6armonious CH^OWDAH^!~ of acceptance and love.
Originally posted by HandyAndyStuffies are much better than a Clam Cake... but one of the most best ways to have clams is Clams Casino.
Don't forget stuffies.
I once asked for Clams Casino in Pennsylvania, and they gave me a Stuffy. WRONG!~
Clams Casino are the clam on the half shell, you slice in a bit of bell pepper and onion if you like... some small bacon strips and bake in the oven on the shell.
Next you squirt a bit of lemon on it... and put some Frank's Hot or Tabasco on it.
Eat them all.
Originally posted by ChronicLeakyPM me with a translation.
Th6e Wikipedia pag5e on CLAM CH^OWDAH^!~ states th6at in 1939, my h6ome state tried to leg5islate ag5ainst tomatoes in CH^OWDAH^!~. Today th6ey allowed marriag5e for th6e g5ays. It'-s g5ood to see h6ow minds h6ave opened in th6e last 70 years. Soon g5ay clams will marry tomatoes in a h6armonious CH^OWDAH^!~ of acceptance and love.