Originally posted by jgvaccaroaye, and you've hit the nail on the head - the last *millennium*. it's ancient history, move on, change the record. personally i squirm whenever i hear scots slag off the english - it's so pointless. how many times have i heard scottish folk say 'aye but the english, they're so arrogant' or 'remember the clearances' or some such. well to answer my own points (pardon my indulgence) - to say all english are arrogant is like saying all scots are tight-fisted. it's not true, it's just lazy stereotyping. and as for the clearances - aye they were brutal, but two points here - how many of the clearances were perpetrated on peasant scots by their clan chiefs? (the term sassenach means lowlander, don't forget) Secondly, even if you can't forget, you should at least be able to forgive - it was 200 years ago for heaven's sake. if the scottish spent a tenth of the energy putting their own house in order (sectarianism, social inequality, crap national football team) as they do making pointless attacks on their neighbours (who, frankly, don't generally give a two pence piece about scotland), think what an even more beautiful and inspiring place it would be to live, work, bring up your children.
Well, I'm not an expert on British history, but I'd hazard a guess that it has something to do with the all the conquering and dispossessing and whatnot that went on in those parts over the past millenium or so.
and by the way, i am scottish - i only live in london 'cos thatcher got rid of all the jobs. now *there's* the real enemy - the tories. and don't give me any nonsense about being ruled from london - scotland has it's own parliament now, and tony blair and gordon brown are both scottish.