@a-unique-nickname saidLOL@ Trev, you love marking those even numbers!!!
At least it is a contribution to the thread. 🙂
@very-rusty saidIt's the ADHD in me 😉
LOL@ Trev, you love marking those even numbers!!!
At least it is a contribution to the thread. 🙂
@a-unique-nickname saidSo if I said 2+2=................... Would have to finish it? 🙂
It's the ADHD in me 😉
Do you know fun facts for kids?
Fun Facts for Kids
Your nose gets warmer when you lie.
Before there was Beats by Dre, there was something else altogether. ...
It's impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.
The most expensive book ever purchased was sold for $30.8 million. ...
Speaking of books, there are lots of them to get through.
Do you know these historical Christmas facts?
People have been sending Christmas cards since 1843. ...
The Christmas biggest gift ever was sent in 1865. ...
Jingle Bells was the first Christmas song in space. ...
Tinsel was originally made with real silver. ...
The original Christmas pudding recipe had meat in it!
What are 5 cool random facts?
A cloud weighs around a million tonnes. ...
Giraffes are 30 times more likely to get hit by lightning than people. ...
Identical twins don't have the same fingerprints. ...
Earth's rotation is changing speed. ...
Your brain is constantly eating itself. If you are "THE TWINS", that would explain much. 🙂
world facts 2023
On July 4, 2023, Earth experienced its hottest day since at least 1979, with a global average temperature of 62.92°F (17.18°C). 2023 was a year of change. The WHO finally declared the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, India overtook China to become the most populous country, and artificial intelligence overtook our lives!
EDIT: Today Feb2/24 is Ground Hog Day!!! 🙂