10 Dec 20
@Drewnogal saidWhat an odd place (outdoor toilet) to have a fridge/freezer. 🤔😲😁
Interesting point! I do have a circuit breaker in the main house that works well BUT this fridge freezer is located in a small single storey building that used to be an outside toilet and coal store which was joined to the main house before I bought it. I wonder why my circuit breaker didn’t react to the change in power when the light bulb blew? Must ask my electrical engineer expert that.
@Great-Big-Stees saidLOL@ Stees!
What an odd place (outdoor toilet) to have a fridge/freezer. 🤔😲😁
@Great-Big-Stees saidThe outdoor toilet is now an indoor toilet, in a room next to the utility room which houses the fridge freezer, washing machine & tumble drier. The utility room is next to an open plan kitchen. We also have a second indoor toilet upstairs in the bathroom. Nothing odd about that.
What an odd place (outdoor toilet) to have a fridge/freezer. 🤔😲😁
Pay attention!
@rookie54 saidYou and the Scrubs janitor would get on like a house on fire 😂
having a space to morph into another space is a normal human activity
i built an outdoor shower but rarely used it as a shower
i found it quite suitable for cleaning caught fish
this naturally led me to the shower space being used to dismember and dispose of body parts
@Drewnogal saidLOL...>There just may be some truth to that! 🙂
You and the Scrubs janitor would get on like a house on fire 😂
@Very-Rusty saidI find his posts very entertaining, he has a great way with words; very poetic.
LOL...>There just may be some truth to that! 🙂
@Drewnogal saidLOL...Yes, he certainly does have a way with words and some great one liners. 🙂
I find his posts very entertaining, he has a great way with words; very poetic.
@Drewnogal saidRHP’s resident bard.🤔👍
I find his posts very entertaining, he has a great way with words; very poetic.
@Great-Big-Stees saidThat’s a very fitting accolade. Got any more to award here?
RHP’s resident bard.🤔👍
@Drewnogal saidi have this strange urgent need to know about the blackcurrants
Even better - blackcurrants 😃
did they survive the brief thaw caused by the power outage?
did the recent solar gamma ray burst cause them to morph into demon seed?
how many would i have to eat to become REALLY evil?
does anyone really know for sure?
@rookie54 saidThe Site just wouldn't be the same without your witty words rookie. 🙂
i have this strange urgent need to know about the blackcurrants
did they survive the brief thaw caused by the power outage?
did the recent solar gamma ray burst cause them to morph into demon seed?
how many would i have to eat to become REALLY evil?
does anyone really know for sure?
@rookie54 saidThey’re all present and correct thank you, feeling very happy that they’re top of the pecking order.
i have this strange urgent need to know about the blackcurrants
did they survive the brief thaw caused by the power outage?
did the recent solar gamma ray burst cause them to morph into demon seed?
how many would i have to eat to become REALLY evil?
does anyone really know for sure?
@Drewnogal saidThat is enough accolades for rookie, we don't want his head to swell up anymore than it is already.
They’re all present and correct thank you, feeling very happy that they’re top of the pecking order.
@Very-Rusty saidDid you Know?
That is enough accolades for rookie, we don't want his head to swell up anymore than it is already.
I would love to see them get Harris in the Oval Office, let's see what a logical woman with good common sense can do. Men have totally screwed up things for a long time.