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@very-rusty said
You obviously didn't read it, you're guess couldn't be further from the truth.

I rarely go to links provided here. Not sure why not but...anyway I just thought I'd take a stab. Apparently my knife was too dull. πŸ™


@great-big-stees said
I rarely go to links provided here. Not sure why not but...anyway I just thought I'd take a stab. Apparently my knife was too dull. πŸ™
The question was rhetorical, you're not going to know unless you actually read the story. Why bother even looking at the thread if you're not going to read the story? Doesn't make a lot of logic to me.



@very-rusty said
The question was rhetorical, you're not going to know unless you actually read the story. Why bother even looking at the thread if you're not going to read the story? Doesn't make a lot of logic to me.

My dear VR, you and logic are at opposite ends of the poles. πŸ€”

1 edit

@great-big-stees said
My dear VR, you and logic are at opposite ends of the poles. πŸ€”
Dear g-b-s you are certainly entitled to your opinion which I am sure will impress your clanmates if no one else. You guys talk about me ruining other peoples threads and then you do the same yourself.
Have a Great Day!



@very-rusty said
Dear g-b-s you are certainly entitled to your opinion which I am sure will impress your clanmates if no one else. You guys talk about me ruining other peoples threads and then you do the same yourself.
Have a Great Day!

I'm a member of 3 clans. Of which one of them are you referring as I have clan mates in all three? πŸ€” As for my day I will, thanks.


@great-big-stees said
I'm a member of 3 clans. Of which one of them are you referring as I have clan mates in all three?
You're a bright dude, figure it out! As if you didn't know! πŸ˜› πŸ˜‰



No flies on you VR.


@great-big-stees said
No flies on you VR.
Do I detect sarcasm?

Some may argue that point with you g-b-s! πŸ˜‰




This enormous U.S. factory processed something vital for the FBI, but can you guess what? Clue: We all have them and they're very unique


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@very-rusty said

Before the Paris Métro opened, there was another subterranean transport system. Can you guess what the tunnels carried?

Good one, finally. Reminds me of the film '1984', or that other one 'Brazil'. πŸ€”... What an excellent way to smuggle contraband.


@chris-guffogg said
Good one, finally. Reminds me of the film '1984', or that other one 'Brazil'. πŸ€”... What an excellent way to smuggle contraband.

Can you guess where this unique street is? Residents need a passport to visit their neighbors


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@very-rusty said

Can you guess where this unique street is? Residents need a passport to visit their neighbors

Leonie Loerakker
"I live about 15 km. from a similar place. It is Baarle-Nassau/Baarle-Hertog. It is the border between Belgium and The Netherlands and we don't need a passport. There are 37 places to cross the border and it is dividing a pub where the billard table is in one country and the bar in the other. Also some shops are divided so there was confusion during lockdown. Part of the shop where you could buy underwaer was in a different part as where you could buy socks. Some parts were prohibited for the Belgians their lockdown was a little bit more severe."

🀦‍♂️ Jesus... 6/10 for that Rusty.



These women are being arrested. Can you guess their crime?


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@very-rusty said

These women are being arrested. Can you guess their crime?

The Ankles make really horny🀦‍♂️ not sure, take to debates Spanky and have nice day🚬


@chris-guffogg said
The Ankles make really horny🀦‍♂️ not sure, take to debates Spanky and have nice day🚬
Hells Caretaker, might be your best contribution so far, at least it made me laugh! πŸ˜› πŸ˜‰


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