Originally posted by sonhouseThat's your problem: you wouldn't know treason if it slapped you across your flabby ass cheeks.
Crawl back in the hole you came from flatassser. Americans who talk like that are talking treason, pure and simple.
Treason is what NASA has been doing for the last five decades, lying to the American public who funds their duplicity hosting hoax events and describing reality in unreal terms.
But it's all coming to an inglorious end, my flabby ass cheek friend.
Make sure you stick around at least another year, please.
I am chomping at the bit to rub your nose in it until you cry 'uncle,' and then a bit more rubbing just for general purposes, you inflexible small-minded cretin.
Originally posted by FreakyKBHWon't it be great if they expose the NASA hoax and the Pizzagate pedophile ring on the same day?
They join a long, proud and distinguished list of...
everybody else in human history.
Literally, everyone who was ever born.
Wow! Talk about history! I hope it happens on a weekend so we can stay up late to read the tweets. 😵
28 Jan 17
Originally posted by HandyAndyThey're both being exposed on the daily, actually.
Won't it be great if they expose the NASA hoax and the Pizzagate pedophile ring on the same day?
Wow! Talk about history! I hope it happens on a weekend so we can stay up late to read the tweets. 😵
You just need to pay attention.