Originally posted by Seitse
Fact: My bellybutton smells funny!
Seriously, you need to be careful with that. Some time ago I 'forgot' about my belly button and didn't give it appropriate care and feeding... I neglected to wash it for some unspecified amount of time having counted upon water and soap finding its way in there by itself... This proved to be a serious oversite as one morning, while nursing a hangover, watching cartoons balancing a bowl of Captain Crunch cereal on my belly, I noticed that the Captain Crunch didn't taste quite right... not so much the cereal, but, some other slightly off smell... at first I figured it was an old burrito one of my slovenly roomates had left under the couch again... no that wasn't it... on some impulse I stuck my finger in my belly button and gave it a sniff... Jesus Christ! My belly button had gone rotten! To make a long story short, antibiotics and other medical treatments were required to correct the problem... I was also advised that long term belly button neglect has been known to contribute to a cancerous condition and nobody wants Belly Button Cancer.... the moral of the story don't be a drunken bum and wash your orifices regularly or you'll get cancer.