Originally posted by royalchickenhttp://www.wmw.utwente.nl/ges/gb/ch.htm
Christiaan Huygens
The next site is : "An Index to Online Great Books in English Translation"
You can find Huygens on the list of authors but also others (!).
Originally posted by rwingettThanks for telling me. I hope the movie will soon cross the big pond.
Speaking of things Dutch, I saw The Girl With The Pearl Earring today. In addition to being an excellent movie, it provided a fascinating glimpse into 17th century Dutch life.
Seems very interesting.
http://www.girlwithapearlearringmovie.com/ (about the movie)
http://www.tchevalier.com/gwape/ (about the novel)
http://girl-with-a-pearl-earring.20m.com/ (about the painting)