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fires in CA

fires in CA


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Originally posted by impatient
We all learned about fire's role in nature in first grade - nothing new. But does that hold for any fire, no matter the size or how set? Including fires set by arson? So your argument about the CA fires is that they "are good for nature". You obviously dont live there.

How big does the fire need to be in order for this not to be a 'natural c ...[text shortened]... comment - they resort to anger and being vulgar. Unless you are just an angry person.
When you build your $10 million dollar house on the side of a hill that was once able to absorb the fires in the area and then complain about it when your house burns down, you have no one but yourself to blame.

Fires are good for nature. If all the forest burned down, within 20 years, a new forest would be sprouting. Volcanoes are also part of nature and when Mount St. Helens blew up, it wasn't the end of the world. Shortly after, nonvascular plants, ferns, fern allies, and club mosses began sprouting. It is all a cycle that has been here for thousands of years. You are only considering human value and not the ecosystem. So pull your head out of your ass and into a science book.

By the way, you call me anger while you avatar is Scarface.

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Originally posted by jimslyp69
I agree with most of what you say. But I believe that in this day and age, that we can pre empt any pandemic and hopefully, counter it with vaccines and such like. You say that we can't cure viruses true, but vaccines can make our immune systems able to deal with it.
I'll leave you with this thought. I think that the fact that mankind has moved around th ...[text shortened]... orld so much, and such genetic cross breeding has occured, that we are a lot more diverse now.
True, diversity does help increase resilences to disease. However, disease carrying organisms evolves much faster than we could hope for. We are a smart species. We are not, however, able to control disease. When antibiotics were brought into full swing around the 40's and 50's, they declared the war on disease over. That was 50 years ago.

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Ever consider that my Avatar may be in fun? Scarface was a movie, not real life. I liked the movie, have the avatar, so that means I embrace violance and anger? Or I am angry because my
Avatar is Scarface? Your impressive logic continue. You also take things too seriously. I liked the movie Scarface, thought Pacino did a great job, so I am an angry person??? Brilliant.

Lets burn down the whole planet - it will be good for the earth!! One fire covering every continent - great for the enviornment! That makes sense.

Or would it make sense that fires in samilar scale as those in history are probably ok, but fires vastly larger may not be? Are you really saying any fire, no matter the size or location is good for the earth? My mistake is taking you seriously.

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I see Fox are using a four year old FBI report that an AQ operative indicated a plot to light such fires.

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Originally posted by impatient
Ever consider that my Avatar may be in fun? Scarface was a movie, not real life. I liked the movie, have the avatar, so that means I embrace violance and anger? Or I am angry because my
Avatar is Scarface? Your impressive logic continue. You also take things too seriously. I liked the movie Scarface, thought Pacino did a great job, so I am an ...[text shortened]... e, no matter the size or location is good for the earth? My mistake is taking you seriously.
Whoa there slappy. You ought to calm down. The size of the fire is only important to humans. The environment would rebound no matter how large of a fire. And really if a fire came by and killed all of the animals, plants would still be here.

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Originally posted by impatient
No I addressed that directly. my comment was "So only new things are bad?"

Just because something occurred for any amount of time, does not mean any occurance is a natural cycle. i.e. since fires have always happened, any size fire, and number of them. So a fire that burns the entire West Coast, or if there are multiple fires of unprecented size an ...[text shortened]... d off, considering I directly addressed that point, but you said I 'missed the point'.
Erm. You completely misinterpreted what I said, dude, and put loadsa words into my mouth that I didn't even say. If you want to get angry with yourself, carry on. I'm not stopping you. 😕

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