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For those of you who have lives outside of RHP,

For those of you who have lives outside of RHP,


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Originally posted by Fat mans revenge
As a matter of fact, I was just down there two weekends ago, to bowl in the state youth championship. KingPin Lanes, you ever been there?

I think so, but if I have ever been there, it was a LONG time ago.

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i 'play' guitar, hang out with friends etc-the usual teenage shindig. i also study maths and computing, and work with disabled young people over the summer. i'm currently also looking for a decent job that doesn't involve washing dishes. i've washed dishes for about 18 months now. i'm actually gettting quite good at it...

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I like:

- Writing (stories and articles. I don't write songs anymore)
- Photography (http://home.wanadoo.nl/mtenberge - if you want to see what sort of photos I make)
- Driving around listening to music / windows down in sunny weather
- Sex (most forms you can think of)
- Getting stoned in sunny weather and smiling at people
- Films (I love watching films)
- Drinking good wine on a sunny terrace in a big city or at the seaside
- Sitting around with people (not neccesairly people I know), drinking and telling each other amusing anecdotes of things we've done and embarrassing situations we've stumbled in.

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Things to do outside RHP:

- Party at mY house
- chilling with my friends outside
- Sex
- getting high (dont want to take the risk over here, but its worth it 😉)
- smoking occasionally from time to time (i want to quit 😞)
- Blasting the music of my car system at night when being stoned (oHoO amazing feeling)
- Flirting with guys
- go to clubs in bahrain with my friends
- movies after midnight

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Originally posted by katty

- Blasting the music of my car system at night when being stoned (oHoO amazing feeling)
whilst driving said car? 😞

a guy i know from my school lost his liscence for drink driving. i'm kinda glad he did, tbh-he was rather dangerous...

funny thing is, he was driving perfectly normal. well over the limit, but his driving didn't look like it (for once...). he was pulled over as he was driving a BMW M3, and you kinda don't expect teenagers to be driving such cars, especially not in cumbernauld...

i know of another teenager who drives a jag. he's pulled over so often he carries photocopies of his insurance etc around with him...😛

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I have a band. My girlfriend and I like to make big lavish meals. My friends and I like to drink, do drugs, smoke cigarettes, go see other bands. I saw Spoon last night. They were kinda boring but they're still alright. I'm mostly on this site during work hours and I make random moves at night.

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^you lie Darvlay^
Tell the truth, your into music therapy for troubled youths.
Kumbaya Y'all.

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Originally posted by katty
Things to do outside RHP:

- Party at mY house
- chilling with my friends outside
- Sex
- getting high (dont want to take the risk over here, but its worth it 😉)
- smoking occasionally from time to time (i want to quit 😞)
- Blasting the music of my car system at night when being stoned (oHoO amazing feeling)
- Flirting with guys
- go to clubs in bahrain with my friends
- movies after midnight

I find no fault with any of those things.

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Originally posted by shavixmir
I like:

- Photography (http://home.wanadoo.nl/mtenberge - if you want to see what sort of photos I make)
Interesting photos.

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