07 Nov 22
@divegeester saidHe may not want to mention your name! 🙂 😛
We can arrange this at any time using ="<POSTER NAME HERE>"_uninstall/troll_RUSS.APPROVED.exe
Can you raise a ticket and specify which posters please.
@very-rusty saidLOL, Have you no shame?
Its crying time again. (Ray Charles)
Jeez Ghost of Duke, the mascot is stealing your lines now!
@divegeester saidGooster I was looking for your name on Metallica and finally found it at the bottom.
LOL, Have you no shame?
Jeez Ghost of Duke, the mascot is stealing your lines now!
I guess that makes you their Mascot!!! 🙂 Lovely!
You get you Clan Leader to put us in a Clan Challenge and we will see who the real mascot is. Oh never mind I hear through through the grapevine my Clan Leader wanted a match with you and your Clan Leader declined, afraid you couldn't beat him, so he certainly not going to match you against me. 🙂
@divegeester saidThread 195341
We used to.
i've found an appropriate repository for yer passive/aggressive musings
08 Nov 22
@rookie54 saidThank yer.
Thread 195341
i've found an appropriate repository for yer passive/aggressive musings
08 Nov 22
@divegeester saidThat was an accurate statement, but you didn't need the question mark.
Still smarting?