15 Apr 23
@divegeester saidyep so it was december 9th 1975 till the 11th or 12th....its all a bit of a blur really plus I was coked out of my skull most of the 70s.
So when you were tell Trev about how you “drank in moderation” you were referring to the days between your 10 pints a night escapades?
16 Apr 23
@fmf saidI saw the film"I urinate on your grave" lacks a bit of grit.
I refer back to the first two world wars.
OK, I will refer back to them too.
Do you seriously think something happened in WW1 that can be likened to Germany "taking over" France and doing so "with a peashooter"?
Surely, in WW1, the 1,300,000 French soldiers who died ~ successfully repelling the German invaders ~ say something different?
As for WW2, in Europe ...[text shortened]... historically-illiterate fatuous American trope that deserves to be retired from adult conversations.
My great grandfather and his 3 brothers fought in France in WWI. 3 returned home. Grandpa had bad lungs from chlorine gas which killed his brother. Grandpa called Frenchman cheese eating surrender monkeys or fr*gs.
Interesting historical note. The ancient coat of arms of France was 3 toads, Englishmen then called them fr*gs. An angel appeared before the king of France and gave him the fleur de Lis. Or so goes the legend of the switch from toads to the modern design.
16 Apr 23
@gambrel saidhinky dinky parlez-vous
My great grandfather and his 3 brothers fought in France in WWI. 3 returned home. Grandpa had bad lungs from chlorine gas which killed his brother. Grandpa called Frenchman cheese eating surrender monkeys or fr*gs.
Interesting historical note. The ancient coat of arms of France was 3 toads, English men then called them fr*gs. An angel appeared before the king if France and g ...[text shortened]... ve him the fleur di Liz design. Or so goes the legend of the switch from toads to the modern design.
16 Apr 23
@badradger saidLe-rivet
I have kept amphibians for many years but not once have I heard one with a french accent.
Le-jug o rum
@badradger said....its all a bit of a blur really plus I was coked out of my skull most of the 70s.Explains a lot.
@divegeester saidThe French voted long ago for less work and more benefits and proposed to finance it with a generational Ponzi scheme. The current government made the mistake of moving the goal posts without explaining the necessity of it to those affected. It should have been explained better and put to a plebiscite.
It’s not about the pensions…it’s about the dictator.
@gambrel saidGrandpa called Frenchman cheese eating surrender monkeys
My great grandfather and his 3 brothers fought in France in WWI. 3 returned home. Grandpa had bad lungs from chlorine gas which killed his brother. Grandpa called Frenchman cheese eating surrender monkeys or fr*gs.
So you mean your grandpa was watching The Simpsons in the 90s?
16 Apr 23
@moonbus saidMacron is a bit of a dictator I feel. He loves a bit of virtue signalling when the opportunity presents itself, but the reality is that he’s an iron fist in a velvet glove.
The French voted long ago for less work and more benefits and proposed to finance it with a generational Ponzi scheme. The current government made the mistake of moving the goal posts without explaining the necessity of it to those affected. It should have been explained better and put to a plebiscite.