Nope, still can't see it. I kinda like him, he's cocky for sure and some people may find him annoying, but that's never been an issue for being banned. I happen to find RBHill's views on gays insulting and dj2beckers insitance that creationism is a universal and undebatable truth annoying, but I would never wish them banned for it.
Perhaps Russ would care to post the piece that got him banned so we can make an informed decision. Or indeed Russ, could you let us know if in fact this 150 post petition thing is actually true?
Feel free to rec this to bring it to his attention people 🙂 hehehe
Originally posted by pulse101I presume Russ said he was banned full stop?
sorry about that 150 thing i posted this before i had a reply from russ but still tell me how you feel about dominator coz he was easly the best in the forums not weinering he way round you just telling it like it is
so ride on bro
peace out